The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Sophie Barrett-Brown and Joshua Hopkins, Laura Devine Immigration, describe the effect of the new UK immigration rules on how people are actually migrating.
Let’s discuss the UN Women report, “Women’s Rights in Review 25 years after Beijing,” which documents how gender equality is functioning on International Women's Day.
Philip Turvey, Executive Director of Anglia Research, explains the risks of collusion local authorities face with cases of probate – and how councillors can clamp down on the issue.
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, describes a systemic approach to education, research and innovation in the European Union.
Despite the uncertainty with Brexit, in 2019 the public sector market grew by 17% and awarded £93 billion worth of contracts, according to a report by Tussell.
Cardiff Council’s Operational Manager, Information Governance and Risk, Vivienne Pearson and Information Governance Manager, Dave Parsons, set out the vision and benefits their training offers.
On International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, a report examines activist stories across 21 countries and finds a global failure to protect women activists.
Karen Holden, award-winning solicitor and founder of A City Law Firm, provides advice on how businesses should prepare for Brexit with a detailed focus on commercial contracts, a Brexit clause and the potential to do nothing.