The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s Phase One report, published on 30th October 2019, begins to recommend changes to many aspects for housing providers, following the Grenfell disaster.
New Zealand are leading the way on climate change policies with an historic Zero Carbon bill on Thursday (7 November), aiming to achieve a carbon neutral status by 2050.
In the third of a series of articles exposing changes to global mobility and immigration policy in Eastern Europe, member firms of Ius Laboris examine the developments.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced that councils will be able to access almost £4 million in new government funding, as part of a crackdown on criminal landlords.
In the second of a series of articles exposing changes to global mobility and immigration policy in South America, member firms of Ius Laboris examine the developments.
Twitter announced that it will ban political advertisements beginning 15 November and Facebook remains defiant on the issue despite Cambridge Analytica.