The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
The UK government continues to push the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into public services, with Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) playing an important role in this transition.
As the UK faces the imminent 31 October Brexit deadline, at Open Access Government we are investigating how people in STEM feel about their field via the Brexit survey.
Simon Hart, MP for Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire, has been appointed as the Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister for Implementation or the 'GDS Minister'.
With the odds of a no-deal Brexit increasing, concern amongst employers has understandably raised, here, Andrew Willis, Head of Legal at HR consultancy, Croner, highlights what businesses need to do.
A package of new shared ownership measures to help people on lower incomes get onto the property ladder has been unveiled by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick today.
Kevin Cunnington, Director General of the Government Digital Service (GDS) explains how the organisation is transforming services and building digital capability across the public sector in the UK.
Human Rights Watch offer legal insight on the continuing situation, including what should be done to stop the violence since the new leaders of Sudan have been sworn in.
In the third in a series of five articles exploring European Union (EU) law, Dr Karen McAuliffe discusses the concept of linguistic precedent in judgments of the Court of Justice.
Here, Laura Devine Immigration cut through the political veneer to comment on the truth of new EU migration statistics published by the UK Home Office.
A Trump administration final regulation announced could result in severe harm to migrant children who may be held in indefinite immigration detention in the United States.
PM Boris Johnson has announced a £25 million cash injection to protect hospices and palliative care services which support around 200,000 people at the end of their lives.