The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
The UK government continues to push the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into public services, with Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) playing an important role in this transition.
The Period Poverty Taskforce, which will focus its efforts on tackling the issue of period poverty and wider stigma around menstruation in the UK, met for the for time today.
The Home Office has launched a consultation on statutory guidance for police on firearms licensing to ensure officers are consistently checking applicants’ medical records in order to better protect the public.
Immigration solicitor Anne Morris questions how the Home Office will deliver complete UK immigration reform when it is already struggling under the current status quo.
Since June 3rd, Sudan has been experiencing an almost-complete internet blackout with devastating effects on the lives of citizens, such as their ability to communicate and organise protests.
In this article, immigration attorney Kushal Patel exposes how undocumented female victims of sexual, physical and emotional abuse feel unable to go to the police, due to the policy adopted by President Trump.
Here, Laura Sharp and Georgina Wright assess the ongoing social, economic and political situation in Venezuela to explore the likelihood of the country experiencing a complete societal shutdown.
Here, David Vaughan and Sneha Nainwal illuminate what really happens in the geopolitical shifts between countries: they discuss changes of government, the complexities of foreign law, and exiting binding cross-border contracts.
In this interview, Philip Baldwin talks to Nishat from Open Access Government about Pride, LGBT activism in harmony with his religion, the increasingly hostile political climate and the impact of Stonewall 50 years on.
Over half (58%) of local authorities are now providing shared services, in order to reduce costs and drive improved citizen engagement, according to new figures.
Propelled by new technologies and changing consumer attitudes, local government as with many other public sector services is looking at ways to become more customer-centric. Yet what does this mean in practice and how exactly can it be achieved?.
A Science and Technology Committee report has concluded that the Government must improve its digital capabilities in order to enhance the relationship between citizens and the State.
In this piece, we take a look at the potential impact of garden villages, including regional implications, what the result might be for new buyers, and follow on trends.