
UK defence exporters set to benefit from £2 billion increase in lending capacity

The UK government is set to boost its support for defence exporters with a £2 billion increase in the lending capacity of UK Export Finance (UKEF).

UK becomes first major economy to pass net zero emissions laws

The UK today became the first major economy to pass net zero emissions laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050.

New bill to see animal abusers jailed for up to 5 years

Michael Gove has announced a new bill to enable tougher prison sentences for the worst animal abusers which will be introduced to Parliament today.

New homes for adults with learning disabilities underway in Halifax

Work has begun to transform a former court building in Halifax into apartments for adults with learning disabilities, supported by £270,000 of funding from Homes England.

Challenges in using data across government

The National Audit Office (NAO) has published a report examining how government uses data to implement its policies and reform public services.

New ILO global treaty to control violence against workers

A new International Labour Organization (ILO) global treaty adopted on 21 June, 2019 will improve protections for workers facing violence and harassment.

The housing crisis: UK refugees and asylum seekers

In this article, Eleri Griffiths explores the reality for refugees who survive the UK asylum process, how to help them with housing, and dismantles misconceptions about why refugees are here in the UK.

Court of Appeal: UK to stop arms export to Saudi Arabia

Today (20th June) the UK Court of Appeal has ruled the UK arms export to Saudi Arabia to be illegal, after an extended court case evidencing that Saudi arms enable the ongoing violence in Yemen.

Kevin Cunnington to take on new International Government Services role

Head of Government Digital Service, Kevin Cunnington will take on new role promoting government services around the world.

UK immigration: Time to abandon the Conservative target

In this article, Sophie Barrett-Brown and Miglena Ilieva from Laura Devine Solicitors discuss attitudes to immigration in Britain and how the Conservative Party has failed to enforce their reductions.

Sudan has shutdown the internet to stop protests

Sudan’s ongoing internet shutdown is a gross violation of human rights and should be lifted immediately, along with stopping ongoing violent attacks against protesters.

Violent police force against Hong Kong protesters

In Hong Kong, protesters who are fighting the implementation of an Extradition law have faced violent police force.

Jail sentences for miscarriages in Honduras

Abortion is illegal in all circumstances, including rape and incest, whilst women are currently facing serious jail time for miscarriages in Honduras.

Changing the face of local government with digital transformation

Jonathan Sharp, Director, Britannic Technologies highlights how digital transformation has the power to change the face of local government.

Russia uses prohibited weapons on Syrian civilians

The Russian-Syrian joint military operation has used internationally banned and other indiscriminate weapons in unlawful attacks on Syrian civilians in the northwest, in recent weeks.

Brexit to change point and identity of UK parliament

MPs need to make sure that Parliament is ready to take on new functions to be ready for a post-Brexit reality which changes the identity of UK parliament.

The 2019 war crimes of Myanmar in Rakhine State

The Myanmar military has continued to commit war crimes in 2019 within the Rakhine State, according to evidence published by Amnesty in an extensive report.


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