
UK defence exporters set to benefit from £2 billion increase in lending capacity

The UK government is set to boost its support for defence exporters with a £2 billion increase in the lending capacity of UK Export Finance (UKEF).

Adults fear new porn ban will put them at risk of identity theft

The fear of identity theft when entering personal details online is of paramount concern for UK adults, according to research conducted ahead of the new government porn ban.

What is next for the abortion ban in Northern Ireland?

Whilst Ireland voted one year ago to repeal abortion, the abortion ban in Northern Ireland remains one of the strictest and most criticised in the modern world: What should happen next?

Right to Rent Scheme enables discrimination in the UK

In this article, Hal Fish from The Immigration Advice Service illuminates how racism and xenophobia in the UK is worsened by the Right to Rent Scheme.

Brunei: New report on abusive penal code

Brunei should immediately repeal its abusive penal code, which violates a range of human rights, Human Rights Watch said today.

US Congress approves landmark LGBTQ rights bill

On the 17th May, The U.S. House of Representatives voted 236-173 to approve the Equality Act that would give landmark federal protection to LGBTQ individuals despite opposition in the White House.

Businesses in the dark over government reforms of apprenticeship levy

New research found that only 18% of businesses surveyed are aware of the Government changes to the apprenticeship levy system that came into force on 1 April 2019.

Albinos in Malawi are attacked and killed for body parts

Malawi’s elections will take place in the context of longstanding criminal justice failures and widespread impunity for the killing of Albinos in Malawi, Amnesty International said.

Pledge With Blood campaign launches to end UK period poverty

Intimina is asking the nation to #pledgewithblood to help spread the word about poor menstrual hygiene and remove the stigma attached to the issue.

UK government welfare cuts increase food poverty

UK government welfare cuts over the past decade have left families in England without enough food to eat, in a breach of the government’s duty to ensure adequate food.

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement on economic development, regional security, health, education and inclusion.

Offensive Weapons Act: Banning acid sales and automatic weaponry

The Offensive Weapons Act is here, which Home Secretary Sajid Javid says will give the police "extra powers" to tackle knife crime.

Ethiopia: Call for appointment of UN Envoy on journalist safety

International Observatory of Human Rights (IOHR) calls for the appointment of a UN Special Envoy dedicated to journalist safety on World Press Freedom Day in Ethiopia.

Sri Lanka: Refugees targeted after Easter Sunday attacks

The Sri Lankan government must ensure that over 1,100 refugees and asylum-seekers forced from their homes by mobs after the Easter Sunday massacre are immediately provided with adequate help.

UK economy risks £3.3 billion loss if the country’s skills gap isn’t closed

The UK's future economic success is in jeopardy, warns the Association of Colleges, as latest forecasting highlights the impact of not closing the country's skills gap.

EU and Central Asia: Opportunities for a stronger partnership

The European Union(EU) is outlining its vision for a renewed partnership with Central Asia, updating its strategy on relations with the region first set out in 2007.

UK PM joins ‘Christchurch Call to Action’ on online terror

PM Theresa May joins world leaders and internet companies for a Summit on tackling terrorist use of the internet and online terror consequences.


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