The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
In the 2019 Spring Statement, UK Chancellor Philip Hammond addressed current subjects such as period poverty alongside general poverty, knife crime, and priorities within STEM research funding.
Government has published details of the UK’s temporary tariff regime for no deal, designed to minimise costs to business and consumers while protecting vulnerable industries.
In light of Theresa May’s announcement of a £1.6 billion ‘Stronger Towns Fund’ for the most deprived UK areas, here we analyse where the money is needed most.
Pioneering women innovators have been awarded funding and business support to develop and grow their business by the UK government, echoing the innovation theme of International Women's Day 2019.
Paddy Bradley, Director of Swindon and Wiltshire LEP explains how Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) across England are working on Industrial Strategies relevant to their areas and co-produced with government.
Today, we celebrate and commemorate International Women's Day: read on to find out what the UN knows about international economic gender parity and what activists are doing.
Trevor Tayleur, Head of Design and Assessment at The University of Law provides his expert view on the common law system used in England and Wales and explains why London is the jurisdiction of choice.
Ahead of International Women’s Day, the Home Office has published its refreshed violence against women and girls (VAWG) strategy in order to provide further support to victims and survivors of violent crime.
The UK government published the response to its Call for Evidence on the impact of social media on the administration of justice: what does it reveal about social media harming due legal process
The rules around non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and confidentiality clauses are set to be tightened under new laws to protect workers from being silenced.
Minister for Women and Equalities and Secretary of State for International Development, Penny Mordaunt will announce a new UK government campaign to break the silence and end global period poverty by 2030.
UK victims who lived with their abuser can claim compensation, as ministers scrap ‘same roof’ rule which previously limited which siblings in a family could recieve money for their trauma.
We all know that a woman’s fertility decreases as she gets older, and the quality and number of her eggs decline: why is there a ten-year limit on egg freezing?
The WTO agreement has confirmed that British businesses will be able to continue bidding for public sector contracts around the world after the UK leaves the EU.