The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Councils reduced expenditure on libraries, museums, and arts by £400 million in the last decade - with more money for care services needed, to protect culture cuts.
Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific, Mark Field met the Secretary General for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to confirm commitments to forging a stronger future partnership.
The risks to the UK tech sector from a disorderly ‘No Deal’ Brexit include a hit on funding for innovative start-ups and an inability to service IT contracts.
Pregnant women and new parents returning to work are to be further protected from unfairly losing their jobs under new proposals set out by the government.
President Donald Trump was refused entry into the House of Representatives to give State of Union speech by Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who wants progress on #EndTheShutdown.
UK Government influences our lives through public services. However, a re-occurring obstacle that prevents access to these services is proving identity.
Matt Hancock, has revealed that tax charges on pensions are “the biggest concern I have raised with me by GPs”. Senior Cabinet Minister is also in discussions with the Chancellor over lifetime allowance.