The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Peter Miller from Visionist Ltd explains his perspective on approaching digital transformation in government and the move toward cloud-based solutions.
Cllr Imran Khan, Bradford Council and Portfolio Holder for Skills, Key Cities examines the UK’s productivity puzzle, and asks what can we learn from the UK’s mid-sized cities?
Research commissioned by Zaizi, found over half of government departments are seeing slow or partial progress in digitising their processes, with even less exploring automation
More than 180,500 first time buyers have saved a total of £426 million through First Time Buyers Relief, according to HM Revenue and Customs statistics
UK SMEs are geared up to take advantage of global business opportunities following the UK’s departure from the European Union, according to research published by Key Cities ahead of a significant industry conference on Brexit
The costs of caring for adults with learning disabilities is projected to increase by almost £2bn by 2025 – with England’s largest councils warning that unless these ‘enormous’ costs are recognised, the ‘long-term’ survival of councils is at risk
It's a very challenging jobs climate due to Brexit, spectre of trade wars in multiple regions, paired with a political climate that rewards antagonism over collaboration and the promise of rising interest rates plus the IR35 rulings
The value of contracts by local government buyers in the North has increased dramatically since 2016, with £3.6bn-worth of contracts being awarded this year*, The Public Sector Solutions Expo has discovered
Callum Sherwood, Public Sector Specialist at Freshworks provides insight into the world of digital transformation and local government and ponders if we are asking the right questions in this vein
Budget will boost efforts to build homes, restore the dream of home ownership, help our high streets and support councils to deliver local services, says Communities Secretary