The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
The government has issued a £1 million Digital Skills Innovation Fund which will support underrepresented groups to find roles in the digital and tech sector.
The latest figures from Digital Marketplace show that almost half of all government digital spending went directly to small and medium-sized enterprises
Minister for Disabled People, Sarah Newton, and Tourism Minister, Michael Ellis, urge all leisure attractions to “follow their lead” and ensure they are catering for disabled customers’ needs
A new artificial intelligence whitepaper, compiled by experts from industry, academia, and politics, outlines the opportunities and challenges that AI presents for more efficient, effective and productive public services
The Scottish Secretary, David Mundell, will be joined by other UK Government cabinet ministers in Edinburgh in a show of support for Scottish festivals and to celebrate the international profile and significant economic boost they bring
Local authorities and social housing providers must use data to provide a faster and more efficient service for the citizens they serve says Gary Bell, Civica’s Executive Director, Managed Services
A new deal for social housing residents, as part of the government's commitment to make a housing market fit for the future has been launched by Secretary of State for Communities Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP
Roderick Crawford, Director of Public Sector at SAS UK & Ireland assesses the governments determination to improve the relationship between the general public and the public sector.
Winners of the government's Rent Recognition Challenge Tech will use their prize money to create a simple to use apps that will help renters towards owning their own home.
A recent survey has revealed that a whopping 1 in 3 businesses admit that they are still not fully GDPR compliant despite new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws being in full effect.
Government have announced a plans to build thousands of extra homes, specially designed for people with disabilities, mental health issues and older people who need extra support, over the next three years which will be funded by an additional £76 million a year.
The Ministry of Defence and new not-for-profit TechVets have joined forces to help more veterans become cyber savvy, in a bid to help them work in the technology sector.
The government plans to help thousands of rough sleepers through a new £100 million strategy which focuses on moving people away from the streets and into affordable accommodation.