The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Alastair Hartrup, CEO of Network Critical, explains why he believes that the Government really needs to be a leader in the cyber security space if the digital world is going to remain safe
Anwen Robinson, UK Operating Officer at TechnologyOne looks at how cloud technology can help local governments to improve its services, in this article
According to a new report by CIPFA and Eduserv, developments in technology are changing the way public bodies operate and deliver services, but digital preparedness presents challenges for financial teams and requires effective leadership, organisational engagement and insightful risk management
The new G-Cloud 10 framework, which could eventually be worth £600 million, is now open for business and thousands of SMEs are lining up to provide their services to the government
The European Union has created a strong Single Market with all the laws and rules that come with it, it has created a common currency and has removed barriers and borders, but we are still far from having created the people’s union
The background of Jens Spahn, Germany’s Federal Minister of Health is examined here, plus the wider work of the Federal Ministry of Health concerning health, prevention and long-term care.
David Emm, Principal Security Researcher, Kaspersky Lab discusses the unexpected side-effects of GDPR shortly after the new legislation came into effect
The work of the Government Digital Service (GDS) in leading lead the digital, data and technology function for the UK government is examined here by Open Access Government
Science Minister Sam Gyimah, will appear as an avatar on the Twitter channel for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy — on a fortnightly basis —
to promote the government's work into science, research and development as part of the modern Industrial Strategy.
Benoit Guerin, senior researcher at the Institute for Government, argues that better accountability for the government can deliver concrete benefits to citizens.
At 12pm today, survivors and relatives will gather at the foot of Grenfell Tower for a minute's silence to mourn the tragedy that killed 72 people one year ago
Open Access Government charts the role of the Office of Government Property (OGP) and the Government Property Agency (GPA) in managing the UK government estate more effectively and efficiently