
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

Scottish historic environment policy document undergoes update

A document which provides a framework for the protection and management of the historic environment has been replaced… The ‘Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Policy Statement’...
child refugee

Councils call for more funding to care for child refugees

Councils are calling for more funding to help with the cost of caring for children who have been displaced from their homes… The UK is...
eu open door immigration

EU Referendum: immigration, security and beer mats

For the past few weeks the focus has been on getting the student population to vote. Now, attention has turn another part of society:...

New study reveals information on Europe’s towns and regions

A new study has unveiled details of the structures and competences of towns and regions in over 40 countries across Europe… The Council of European...

Construction leaders address EU elephant in referendum debate

The promise of new opportunities, the housing crisis, international trade and the skills shortage all came into question as panellists at the latest UK...
eu referendum medicine

EU Referendum: could it damage the health service?

This time next month the EU referendum vote will be over and the UK will be dealing with the fallout. Whether you are for...

Committee MPs set to receive pay rise

MPs on the Panel of Chairs are set to receive a pay rise, which will total some £130,000… MP wage increases have always been an...
fire engine

Reforms to fire and rescue revealed

The Home Secretary has announced a number of reforms aimed at making fire and rescue more efficient, effective and professional… Speaking at an event hosted...

Tom Brake: why remaining in the EU is the right choice

Tom Brake MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs tells AG why he thinks the UK should stay in the EU... The request by AG to...

Small construction firms will vote on EU based on personal beliefs

A new poll has revealed that more than 80 per cent of small construction firm bosses will base their vote in the referendum on...
ballot box

EU Referendum: Polls still mixed but could students turn the tide?

In this latest EU Referendum bulletin, the editorial team at AG delve deeper into some of the big issues in the news this week... With...
houses of parliament

Queen’s Speech: what are the plans for the year ahead?

Today the Queen outlined the government’s plans for legislation for the year ahead during the official state opening of parliament… The official state opening of...

EU Referendum: the economy still remains a key battleground

Chancellor George Osborne admitted he is undertaking a “significant” amount of planning to protect the economy in the event of a Brexit vote. The...

Government funding to support local coastal landmarks

Coastal projects have been awarded funding to help restore local landmarks and return them to a high standard… Communities Minister Mark Francois has revealed 15...

Gordon Brown: quitting the EU is not British

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has claimed leaving the EU would not be British and urges the nation to remain… In a statement that is...

Farage: Why out is right for the UK

UKIP leader Nigel Farage outlines why he thinks the UK is better off out of the European Union... This referendum on June 23rd on our membership...

The latest edition of AG is now live!

This latest ebook from Open Access Government looks into how the coming months could prove to be very important for the UK.
eu referendum

EU Referendum: is Brexit bad for the economy?

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned again this week that a new vote for independence could be likely if the UK votes to leave...

Cabinet constituencies escape brunt of austerity

A new analysis has revealed five cabinet ministers’ constituencies have been the least affected by budget cuts and austerity measures. Good news if you live...

Sunderland Council could raise £500,000 selling off libraries

Sunderland City Council considers selling local libraries in a bid to raise £500,000. Facing tough budget cuts, Sunderland City Council has said selling libraries could...

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