The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Carlos Moedas, the EU’s Research Commissioner proposed a €94.1 billion research budget to member states, pushing for increased spending on basic science and plans for a new innovation council to drive transformative ideas throughout Europe
Gavin Hepburn, Director at ATG Access argues that security needs to be improved to protect against all vehicle attacks – intentional or otherwise, in this opinion article
Roger Knight, Marshalls’ Head of New Product Development and Engineering for Landscape Protection, explains what the new PAS 170 security standard will provide and the benefits it will bring for businesses and government organisations in terms of criminal vehicle impacts
According to new research from Smith & Williamson, the accountancy, tax and investment management group, almost half (45%) of the tech scale-up businesses in the UK believe that the Government’s approach to Brexit and international trade will have no impact on them, while 30% think they stand to benefit.
Figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that a whopping 4.7 million people (making up 94% of all 'non-users') over the age of 55 are not online. The report warns that they could be at risk of missing out on essential services provided by companies that continue to move their businesses online
Dr Gideon Bolt from the Department of Human Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University tells us about the vital role of housing allocation in the decline of high rise housing estates
Leading technology companies in the UK showcased their products and services for land-based naval and aerospace use at CANSEC 2018 - Canada's largest defence industry event - in the hopes of securing industrial cooperation and joint ventures with Canadian companies
Tilly Bailey & Irvine Law Firm, has looked at the latest commentary surrounding how the NHS will operate post-Brexit to try and draw up some conclusions about what lies ahead for the organisation
There are many questions that surround the control of our border after Brexit — this article will look at the plans set out by the government and the EU and analyse what they mean
As the European Parliament marks one year until the 2019 European elections, Mental Health Europe says EU states must reform outdated laws to show once and for all that people with psychosocial disabilities have a right to be heard
Andrew Davidson, Head of Marketing, Cyber Security EMEIA at Fujitsu shares his seasoned opinion on the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and reveals that the devil is in the data.