
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

Dhaka, The Productive City

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is often reminded as a poor, busy and polluted city in the heart of an often-flooded country. For a...
Osborne spending squeeze underway

Osborne spending squeeze underway

The Chancellor George Osborne has told government departments to start looking into where £13bn of further cuts can be made... After five years of cutting...
Combined authority in West Midlands moves closer

West Midlands combined authority moves closer

Plans to form a combined authority in the West Midlands has moved a step closer after two councils revealed they would be prepared to...
Worcestershire councils agree shared service contract

Worcestershire councils agree shared service contract

Three local authorities in Worcestershire have signed a contract for Civica to oversee their shared service centre and manage their customer services Worcestershire County Council,...
Kendal affordable homes project nears completion

Kendal affordable homes project nears completion

A multi-million-pound project to deliver 27 new affordable homes in Kendal is nearing completion The lack of affordable homes is a growing issue. With many...
The death of civil liberties?

The death of civil liberties?

As the government pushes forward proposals to increase its surveillance powers and to repeal the human rights act, Adjacent Digital Politics examines the impact...
Osborne sets out devolution plan for England

Osborne to set out devolution plan for England

In George Osborne's first post-election speech, he is set to discuss the issue of devolution in England's cities. Adjacent Digital Politics examines what it...
Cheshire East Council has revealed a total of 36,000 new homes need to be built across east Cheshire by 2030 to meet demand for housing

36,000 homes needed in East Cheshire

Cheshire East Council has revealed a total of 36,000 new homes need to be built across east Cheshire by 2030 to meet demand for...
Three party leaders step down following election

Three party leaders step down following election

Leaders of UKIP, the Labour party, and the Liberal Democrats have all stepped down from their positions in the wake of devastating results in...
More than 200,000 ballot papers stolen

More than 200,000 ballot papers stolen

A van containing more than 200,000 UK ballot papers for next week's parliamentary and council elections has been stolen... Replacement ballot papers are being printed...
First chief digital officer appointed in Wales

First chief digital officer for Wales

The Welsh government has announced it will appoint a chief digital officer to oversee public sector delivery... In a bid to transform public sector delivery...
Stamp duty help for first-time buyers

Stamp duty help for first-time buyers

Ed Miliband has promised to provide assistance for first-time buyers if Labour win the General Election on 7 May... Ed Miliband has announced plans to...
100,000 people in North Staffs have debt problems

100,000 people in North Staffs have debt problems

A new report has revealed a significant number of residents in North Staffordshire have significant debt problems A total of 68,400 residents in Stoke-on-Trent, North...
GE2015: Milifans and muffin-gate

GE2015: Milifans and muffin-gate

With only a fortnight to go until voting gets underway, Adjacent Digital Politics examines the weird and wonderful news that has taken place on...
Welsh culture receives £2.7m boost

Welsh culture receives £2.7m boost

Museums, libraries, and archives in Wales are set to receive a £2.7m boost... Following recommendations made in a Culture and Poverty report by Kay Andrews,...
Council will contribute to City Region Deal

Council will contribute to City Region Deal

East Lothian Council has confirmed it will contribute almost £75,000 towards a project aimed at strengthening the local economy... A joint project between East Lothian...
Councils and businesses need to work together

Councils and businesses need to work together

A senior local authority executive has called for Nottinghamshire councils and businesses to work together ahead of cuts The Deputy Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County...
Council tax on second homes doubled by Lib Dems

Lib Dems to double second home council tax

The Liberal Democrats will give local authorities the power to charge more council tax on second homes A spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats insisted a...
SNP lays out its manifesto

SNP lays out its election manifesto

Launching the SNP's general election manifesto, Nicola Sturgeon says her party will represent the interest of voters across the UK... Today, the Scottish National Party...
SNP and Labour clash in the debate

SNP and Labour clash in the debate

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon warned she would only support Ed Miliband as PM if he can show his party is “better than the Tories”... Last...

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