The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) released its February 2025 agreement updates, revealing a new Back Office Software framework. Extensions to print and audio-visual services were confirmed, while upcoming expirations in health and software require attention.;
Cllr Simon Henig, County Councils Network spokesman for Industrial Strategy & Growth and leader of Durham County Council offers his views on developing local...
Paul Lloyd from The Public Purse explores the key issues around cross-sector procurement
Decentralisation and autonomy are vital to our concepts of good and effective...
The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI), the UK government authority for protective security advice to the UK’s national infrastructure, is placed...
Emma Toublic, head of education information and business systems at Essex County Council explains how the secure sharing of key information can make a...
Dr. Anouk Tersteeg and Dr. Gideon Bolt from Utrecht University explore the opportunities ahead for social cohesion in diverse and deprived neighbourhoods
Political debates about...
Simon Broadbent, CEO of Secure Empty Property, advises how property owners or landlords can legally remove squatters from their commercial properties
When the law that...
Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the Municipality of Varberg
Sam Gyiah will replace Jo Johnson as the new Universities Minister following the recent UK cabinet reshuffle
Sam Gyimah, the former prisons minister, took on...
Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, discusses the implications and opportunities of the shrinking public sector estate
The public-sector estate is shrinking as both the...
Paul Bradbury, Group business development director at Civica, shares his reflections on the future of delivery in public services leading up to 2025
Local government...
MF Warrender of Open Access Government explores the importance of smarter working practices across government
Established in 2010, The Government Property Unit (GPU) works with...
Paul Tomlinson, CEO of IEG4, argues that the public sector stands to benefit most from Artificial Intelligence
A government report published last month: “Growing the...