The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) released its February 2025 agreement updates, revealing a new Back Office Software framework. Extensions to print and audio-visual services were confirmed, while upcoming expirations in health and software require attention.;
The Government Property Unit aims to streamline the public-sector estate and generate better value for money from its assets, as OAG discovers
The Government Property...
It’s hard to be Agile in Government. Within an elected government delivery is expected to mirror a published manifesto. Do something different, and the words ‘U-turn’ threaten within the corridors of power.
Dave Aspindle, Head of Public Sector at Littlefish explains how getting the Service Desk right can dramatically improve the government’s efficiency.
It goes without saying,...
A group of experts from Fédération de la jeunesse Canadienne-française lift the lid on English and French linguistic minorities and bilingualism in Canada
Deborah Thomas from Library of Congress reveals the astonishing resource created by The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) and what it reveals about everyday life in America