Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy research and thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP)

When it comes to the field of diabetic retinopathy research, Dr Lalit Pukhrambam at Wayne State University is exploring ways to prevent blinding eye diseases due to diabetes by targeting a protein called thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP). Gene therapy is, therefore, a promising option
health conditions

Support awarded to help people with health conditions stay in work

People with health conditions will receive further support to manage their health conditions at work, thanks to 19 innovative projects set to receive millions in government funding
Asthma and COPD

Do we know the cause of asthma and COPD?

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at the University Hospital Basel & University Basel share his expertise on asthma and COPD, the most prevalent chronic inflammatory diseases of the lung globally
Alcoholic liver disease: why research is vital

Alcoholic liver disease: why research is vital

Integrated research can help understand the physiological pathways of alcoholic liver disease, says Dr Shilpa Chokshi, of the Foundation for Liver Research
Mouth Cancer Action Month

Mouth Cancer Action Month: What causes mouth cancer?

Dr. Harold Katz, dentist, bacteriologist and developer of The Breath Company discusses what are the main causes of mouth cancer in aid of Mouth Cancer Action Month
binge drinking

Brits risk damaging their sight with prolonged binge drinking

Brits risk long-term damage to their eyesight and even blindness, by binge drinking and indulging in periods of prolonged heavy drinking, warn health experts at Optical Express ahead of Alcohol Awareness Week

Men more likely to suffer work-related mental health issues

New research from mental health charity Mind reveals that men are twice as likely to suffer mental health problems due to their job

Embarrassment surrounding IBS leads brits to ignore symptoms

Almost half of Brits (48%) put off going to their doctor if they suspect they have IBS, hoping symptoms would just go away naturally, according to a new survey
HIV diagnoses

New HIV diagnoses across the UK has fallen

Data published by Public Health England (PHE) has revealed that new HIV diagnoses in the UK have decreased from 5,280 to 4,363
intensive care unit

A focus on intensive care medicine in Europe and beyond

The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine’s priorities for intensive care medicine in Europe and beyond are introduced here, focussing on sepsis research, other current research and practice in the field, as well as equality and diversity
neurodegenerative diseases

Tackling neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s

The work of the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) which aims to tackle the challenge of these diseases, in particular, Alzheimer’s, is discussed here
medical emergency

UK parents clueless in a baby medical emergency

Fear and a lack of first aid understanding are rife amongst UK parents. A third of new and expectant parents admit they wouldn’t know how to react should their child experience a medical emergency
mental-ill health at work

How common is mental ill-health at work?

Dr Zain Sikafi, CEO and co-founder, Mynurva, discusses how common mental-ill health at work is and how it can be appropriately managed in the workplace
common symptoms of diabetes

Common symptoms of diabetes that you might miss

Matthew Capehorn, medical director at LighterLife, goes into detail about the common symptoms of diabetes that you might not know about, on World Diabetes Day
biobanking GDPR

GDPR in biobanking for precision medicine research: The challenges

R.T. Lawlor, Z. Kozlakidis and M. Bledsoe from the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories note challenges in GDPR in biobanking for precision medicine.
exercise at school

Research reveals students are not getting enough exercise at school

More than a third of students (37%) worldwide don’t exercise at school, according to new research by Cambridge International What’s more, girls are less likely...

The Roche digital solution to the diabetes challenge

Diabetes is described as the epidemic of the 21st Century, in the view of Roche Diabetes Care, who are using digital technology and data management to help patients, healthcare professionals and payers address this costly challenge

Healthcare expert comments on the Health Secretary’s tech vision

Neil Laycock, Managing Director of healthcare at Servelec, comments on the issues raised by Matt Hancock and joining together for digital care.

Improve wellbeing by bringing the outdoors into the office

With this week being self-care week, much emphasis is being focused on how businesses across the UK can prevent stress and improve wellbeing in the workplace

Malaria Consortium calls for greater action and innovation to combat pneumonia

On this year’s World Pneumonia Day, Malaria Consortium is calling on the international community to increase its support for innovation as it tackles the world’s biggest infectious killer of children under the age of 5

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