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Lessons learned from a hospital’s digital pathology journey

Pathologists play a crucial part in patient treatment, particularly in cancer care. However, the field faces challenges such as resource shortages, workflow inefficiencies, and increasing complexity. To adapt, pathology departments are embracing digital solutions to enhance diagnostics and support the transformation of healthcare.

DeepHealth project: Deep-learning and HPC to boost biomedical applications for health

Jon Ander Gómez and Monica Caballero, DeepHealth Technical Manager and Project Coordinator, lift the lid on an exciting project that concerns deep-learning and high performance computing to boost biomedical applications for health.

Europe: An ageing continent

Thanks to the economic and social progress we have made, life expectancy has increased. However, ageing often comes with health issues and restricted mobility – a challenge not only for the elderly and their families but also for society.

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy

Transcending morphology, magnetic resonance techniques can be utilised to shed light on processes on the molecular level to unveil pathological alterations preceding anatomical and functional manifestations of (cardiovascular) diseases, in the view of Ulrich Flögel from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.

Academia: An important player in the drug discovery ecosystem

Dr Richard Angell and Dr Jane Kinghorn from the Drug Discovery Group (Translational Research Office), at University College London (UCL), explain the value of drug discovery in academia in bridging the “Valley of Death”.

Exploring the emerging role of tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group explores the emerging role of tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 including the challenges and opportunities in this vein.

Organic hemp producer BioBloom: “Health is our main focus”

BioBloom has specialised in the production of high-quality organic hemp products with absolutely no additives since 2016. The production focuses on the preservation of all valuable ingredients of the hemp plant.

Leading digital change with WellSky EPMA

Of the digitisation projects ongoing at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals (STHK) NHS Trust, electronic prescribing and medicines administration (EPMA) represents the biggest step forward for patient safety.

The European Commission: Defending investments in public health

Paola Testori Coggi, Former Director General for Health and Consumers, European Commission speaks to Open Access Government about her work here on defending investments in public health.

SSPC investing in future innovation for the pharmaceutical sector

SSPC, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Pharmaceuticals, explains how they are recognised internationally as a hub of process innovation and advanced manufacturing for the pharmaceutical sector.

Everything you need to know about PCOS

The NHS reports that 1 in 5 women in the UK are currently affected by PCOS, but what do we really know about the condition? It’s imperative that women have a clear understanding of their reproductive health. here, we explain everything you need to know about PCOS.

NHS Confed: Proposed health legislation changes are the right steps to better patient care

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation responds to the legislative reform proposals published today by NHS England and Improvement.

We need more than cash to fix adult social care

In this article, Adrian Brown, Executive Director at the Centre for Public Impact, looks into how the UK can learn from the Netherlands to fix adult social care.

Preventive care for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions

Versus Arthritis underline the importance of forward planning for improved preventive care for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Whole genome sequencing: It’s getting personal

Professors Darren K Griffin and Alan R Thornhill discuss their research on exploring a person’s genome sequencing.

Welsh project aims to offer treatment as ovarian cancer cases continue to rise

A new £2.6 million project led by Swansea University Medical School aims to dramatically improve the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer.

The role of vitamin D in pregnancy

Dr Larisa Corda Obstetrician and Gynaecologist shares her expert thoughts here on the role of vitamin D in pregnancy.


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