Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

antimicrobial resistance

UK Government invests £30 million to tackle antimicrobial resistance

The funding will be used to deliver four new projects as part of the Global AMR Innovation Fund (GAMRIF)
NHS crisis

How can technology solve the NHS crisis?

Vivek Patni explains why technology has a key role to play as the NHS creaks under the weight of public demand
Online diabetes

Online diabetes competency training: Improving standards and reducing variation

Candice Ward, Lead CDEP Educator from Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme (CDEP) details online diabetes competency training, including the importance of improving standards and reducing variation
global ministerial mental health summit

World’s first global ministerial mental health summit to be held in London

Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced that the UK will host the first ever Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit in London...
ebola virus disease

UK helps in the fight against Ebola virus disease

The UK Public Health Rapid Support Team is being deployed to the Democratic Republic of Congo to help control the outbreak of Ebola virus disease
dementia friendly

People with dementia in rural communities increasingly isolated, says Alzheimer’s Society

Charity launches guide urging individuals and organisations in rural communities to take action to become more dementia friendly, for Dementia Action Week (21-27 May)
Mental health services

A postcard showing a canopy bed: An ex-user of mental health services shares his...

In an interview, Franz-Josef Wagner tells Elena Posth from Pfalzklinikum AdöR about his experiences as an ex-user of mental health services in the Rhineland-Palatinate region of Germany
rare disease

Mental Health Awareness Week: Spotlight on rare disease

Research carried out for the first time by Rare Disease UK indicates almost all patients and carers living with a rare disease have felt anxious, stressed and low

Mental Health Awareness: 8 out of 10 Brits admit observing presenteeism in the workplace

According to the recent CIPD survey, people coming into work when they are ill also known as ‘presenteeism’ has more than tripled since 2010, with 86% of employees admitting they had observed presenteeism in the workplace
pharmaceutical sector

The impact of Brexit on the pharmaceutical sector

Life Sciences sector responds to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee report on the impact of Brexit on the pharmaceutical sector
extracurricular activities

Too many extracurricular activities for children can do more harm than good

The growing demand for children to get involved in extracurricular activities outside of school is placing unprecedented strain upon families
blood pressure screening

World Hypertension Day: Blood pressure screening could prevent millions of premature deaths

The chief cardiologist at the United States’ top-ranked heart hospital has praised a campaign to ensure fair access to blood pressure screening, saying it could prevent millions of premature deaths every year
cholera in Yemen

UK aid helps protect against cholera in Yemen

UK aid helps vaccinate over 450,000 people to prevent the spread of deadly cholera in Yemen
stress awareness

Anxiety UK survey highlights importance of raising stress awareness

To mark this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (14-20 May) theme of ‘stress’,  Anxiety UK launched its own stress test, asking visitors to their website if they are experiencing any of the common symptoms
happy healthcare workplaces

Study finds happy healthcare workplaces are more successful

Employee morale doesn’t just promote loyalty but it can actually improve how effective and productive employees are in their role, according to new research
brain cancer research

Government to invest in brain cancer research in honour of Tessa Jowell

Government doubles investment in brain cancer research with £40 million 'Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Research Mission’

Why the European Pillar of Social Rights should keep nurses in the profession

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General and Elisabeth Adams, President of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) tell us why the European Pillar of Social Rights should help nurses to remain in the nursing profession
mental health

Workplace at odds over mental health

New research reveals how employees and HRs really feel about mental health in the workplace
Commonwealth of malaria

Historic investment commitments to rid the Commonwealth of malaria

On 18th April, a landmark £2.9bn ($4.1bn) commitment was made to invest in ridding the Commonwealth of malaria
virtual reality experience

New virtual reality experience explores the next 70 years of science and medicine

What will the future of medicine look like? A new virtual reality experience from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry explores futuristic treatments and technologies like inhalable nanobots and 3D printed medicine patches

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