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Lessons learned from a hospital’s digital pathology journey

Pathologists play a crucial part in patient treatment, particularly in cancer care. However, the field faces challenges such as resource shortages, workflow inefficiencies, and increasing complexity. To adapt, pathology departments are embracing digital solutions to enhance diagnostics and support the transformation of healthcare.

WHO launches new report on the global tobacco epidemic

Whilst there is being made in the fight against tobacco, increased action is necessary to help people with the global tobacco epidemic, says the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Social pressure is damaging the mental health of millennials

As Dispatches reveals 68% of 16 to 30-year-olds are currently experiencing a mental health problem, Smart TMS dissects the mental health of millennials in this report.

Using digital to help young peoples’ mental health

Eleanor Bradley, Chief Operating Officer at Nominet, discusses the growing crisis of young peoples' mental health problems and how using digital can help.

International Women’s Day: Women and HIV awareness

In this article, HIV activist Philip Baldwin illuminates issues surrounding women and HIV for International Women's Day 2019.

NHS promises to lead global elimination of hepatitis C

The NHS will find and cure tens of thousands more people with hepatitis C as part of a ground-breaking deal that could help England become the first country in the world to eliminate the deadly virus and lead a global elimination.

Researchers to investigate worsening health inequalities in the UK

Researchers from the University of York will work with other experts to tackle worsening health inequalities between the North and the rest of England.

AI must start transforming healthcare today

Terry Walby, founder and CEO of Thoughtonomy, looks at how AI is transforming healthcare, exploring examples of how different organisations have been using automation.

Health and social workers are most likely to suffer from work-related stress

Health and social workers tend to work longer hours and report more cases of work-related stress, depression and anxiety, according to an analysis by The Office Group (TOG).

Tech and care: New deal to transform learning disability sector?

A new report was launched in Parliament this month setting out the case for a deal for the learning disability sector, focusing on realising the potential of technology to boost investment and transform the way care is delivered.

Doctors admit short appointment times are putting patients at risk

One in three GP’s admit they have failed to properly diagnose patients because short appointment times have meant symptoms have been missed, according to new research.

Managing change around patient care

Eman Al-Hillawi and Sue Johnson Gregory analyse the NHS, exploring how the industry can balance business transformation with the priority of patient care.

Doctors claim millennials don’t know how to lead a healthy lifestyle

Almost seven in 10 GPs and pharmacists believe millennials have no idea how to lead a healthy lifestyle or treat minor ailments such as colds and headaches.

British Red Cross issues health and safety advice ahead of UK heatwave

The British Red Cross is asking us all to keep an eye on anyone who may be vulnerable ahead of UK heatwave as temperatures are predicted to soar.

PM Boris Johnson must solve social care crisis says NHS Confederation

New Prime Minister Boris Johnson must solve social care crisis, boost capital spending and reform NHS pensions, says NHS Confederation.

New health-data programme to detect diseases early

Diseases could be detected even before people experience symptoms, thanks to a pioneering new health-data programme as part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy.

Same-day pharmacy consultations offered to patients

Patients with minor health issues will be offered same-day pharmacy consultations under a new deal announced by the Health and Social Care Secretary.


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