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Could you have an iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency in the UK is generally accepted as a health problem from the past, but recent research suggests this may not be the...

Are CCTV cameras in care facilities welcome?

Helen Dempster, Chief Visionary Officer, Karantis360 explains the importance of not only safeguarding but proactively improving care within private spaces, both at home and within care facilities.

New joint local services inspections to focus on children’s mental health

Ofsted have published guidance for inspectors for new series of joint inspections focusing on children’s mental health.

Extra Care Housing: Providing care and support for independent living

HousingLin, Mears and the LGC recently discussed a report looking at the benefits of the extra care model - Extra Care Housing is housing designed to provide the varying levels of care and support people may need in later life whilst also allowing for independent living.

Diabetes UK appoints twenty new Clinical Champions

Diabetes UK has appointed twenty healthcare professionals, including consultants, nurses, GPs, dietitians, podiatrists, pharmacists and psychologists as its newest cohort of Clinical Champions.

Cancer research in Japan: Basic, clinical and translational

Here, we examine the role of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) when it comes to the field of cancer research in Japan, including basic, clinical and translational.

What can schools do to spot and avert mental health issues?

Schools across the UK are dealing with a mental health epidemic, with both primary and secondary school leaders reporting a rise in stress, anxiety and panic attacks in their pupils as well as depression, self-harm and eating disorders.

Patients with an ‘empathic’ GP at reduced risk of early death

Patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes are at a lower risk of early death if they have a doctor who they describe as showing empathy towards them, a new study from the University of Cambridge has found.

Government announces £135 million investment in health research

New government investment in health research will help tackle the biggest challenges over the next 5 years, including dementia, obesity and mental health.

NHS mental health programme to be rolled out in schools nationwide

Education Secretary Damian Hinds sets out new plans to bring specialist NHS mental health services to UK schools for young people.

Amazon’s Alexa to provide NHS-verified health advice

The NHS has announced that it is collaborating with Amazon to provide NHS-verified health advice from its website through Alexa

NHS to trial ‘subscription’ payment model for pharmaceutical companies

The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’ style payment model to incentivise pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs for resistant infections.

NHS and digital transformation: The long-term plan

In this article, David Highton reflects on how the long-term plan needs to address the NHS and digital transformation.

NHSX initiative to digitally transform health services officially launches

Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s NHSX initiative, that aims to transform digital innovation in the health service, officially launched last week.

Mile High Labs welcomes findings from cannabis report

Mile High Labs has announced support for the findings in a Centre for Medicinal Cannabis report.

Pharmacy and EPMA solution provider JAC renamed as WellSky

UK, JAC Computer Services Ltd has announced it has renamed as WellSky International Ltd.

Why the Armed Forces Community needs more than just money

Ray Lock, CBE and Chief Executive of Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) discusses how the present delivery systems for the transition of ex-Service personnel and their families into civilian life could be improved.


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