Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.


Clinical and hospital-based biobanking for next generation patient care

Professor Berthold Huppertz from Biobank Graz, highlights the importance of maintaining high sample quality in biobanking
improvement of care

The continuous improvement of care

Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) on developing the hospital pharmacy profession and the improvement of care for patients in Europe
European health

Making it happen: Addressing the implementation gap in European health policy and practice

Dr Usman Khan, Executive Director of the European Health Management Association tells us his thoughts on public health in the European space

Imaging cerebral blood flow with single capillary resolution

Experts from the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy and the Neuroscience Institute reflect on cerebral blood flow (CBF)
lung disease

Living with lung disease in the UK

The British Lung Foundation’s research findings are explored here on lung disease in the UK and their ‘battle for breath’ campaign The British Lung Foundation’s...
infection prevention

Maintaining high standards of infection prevention and control

Elaine Ross, board member of the Infection Prevention Society (IPS) details the key issues around infection prevention and control (IPC) in the UK today
public health concern

Suicide: A major public health concern

Dr Jane Pearson from NIMH highlights suicide as a public health concern and addresses how can be prevented and the contributing factors behind it

The dyspnoea crisis

Wendy Preston and Katy Beckford of ARNS tell us about the problem of dyspnoea and how it impacts on morbidity, mortality and healthcare utilisation
European health information

European health information project BRIDGE Health looks to the future

Petronille Bogaert and Herman Van Oyen at BRIDGE Health provide a fascinating overview of the European health information project today
supporting biotech

How is the UK supporting biotech to create innovative medicines?

CEO of the BioIndustry Association (BIA), Steve Bates explores how the UK government is supporting biotech in order to create innovative medicines
rare diseases

Modern research into rare diseases

Research infrastructure project manager at EURORDIS, Virginie Bros-Facer highlights the extent of rare diseases in Europe in this insightful article
workplace mental health

Workplace mental health: Healthy workforce, healthy society

The European Brain Council (EBC) highlights the challenges around workplace mental health, following World Mental Health Day on 10th October
heart valve disease

Heart valve Disease: The heart of the matter

Associate medical director of the British Heart Foundation, Dr Mike Knapton explores the fundamentals of heart valve disease
huntington's disease

The symptoms of Huntington’s disease

Chief Executive of the Huntington’s disease Association, Cath Stanley explores the symptoms, causes, and the vital role of research within the field
medical research partnerships

Experts warn medical research partnerships could suffer after Brexit

Experts are voicing their concerns that a poor Brexit deal could badly affect medical research partnerships if EU programmes are not replaced
prevention and control

Effective prevention and control of infectious diseases

David Partridge from the British Infection Association provides a comprehensive overview of effective infection prevention and control in the UK today
health funding boost

Scottish government to introduce mental health funding boost

The Scottish Government has announced a mental health funding boost of £500,000 in a move announced on World Mental Health day
mental health staff

Mental health staff say cuts have lead to increased assault

Mental health staff have linked cuts to services and staff shortages with an increase in assault and abuse from patients, especially in England 
progressive condition

Dementia as a progressive condition

The Alzheimer's Society in the UK provides a fascinating glimpse into the most dementia as a progressive condition and its common forms
reduce cholera deaths

Health officials pledge to reduce cholera deaths by 90%

Health Officials from across the globe are set to meet in France and pledge to dramatically reduce cholera deaths by 2030

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