Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

private ambulance firm

Labour calls for inquiry into private ambulance firm after service folds

The collapse of a private ambulance firm working with the NHS has led to calls for an inquiry from Labour MP Justin Madders

Health, prevention, and long-term care in Germany

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) is centred around health, prevention, and long-term care, as Open Access Government discovers
homelessness in london

The problem of ‘hidden’ homelessness in London

A new report reveals the extent of homelessness in London and the 'hidden homeless' who do not receive adequate help from authorities A new report...
Membranous nephropathy

Membranous nephropathy and how can it be identified and treated

The National Kidney Foundation analyses the causes of membranous nephropathy and the science available to identify and treat it
nerve stimulator

Man in vegetative state regains some consciousness through nerve stimulator therapy

A man in a vegetative state in France has regained a degree of consciousness after experimental therapy of placing a nerve stimulator on his...
new mental health figures

New mental health figures show a rise in depression among teenage girls

New mental health figures revealed by a study show that a quarter of teenage girls and 1 in 10 teenage boys have suffered from depression
lung cancer drug

NHS approves new ‘life extending’ lung cancer drug

After extended campaigns from charities and prominent figures, a lung cancer drug said to extend the life of sufferers has been made available on...
rare diseases

The impact of clinical research in rare diseases

Kit C.B. Roes from the University Medical Centre, Utrecht outlines why clinical research in rare diseases requires swift implementation of new methodology
atp cleaning verification system for hospital theatre

The unrealised benefits of an ATP cleaning verification system

An ATP cleaning verification system can help ensure cleaning is thorough and effective, saving money and lives in healthcare settings The financial impact of poor...
NHS staff

NHS staff unions call for pay rise of 3.9% to match inflation

Unions representing NHS staff have written to the government demanding a 3.9% pay rise after figures show wages have fallen compared with inflation After the...
liver disease

Map shows vast difference in liver disease diagnoses in areas of the UK

A new map shows that diagnosis of liver disease varies greatly across different areas of the country, with some places having a much higher...

How HSCN can improve the NHS digital strategy

Michael Bowyer of Innopsis highlights the need for improved connectivity to boost the government's NHS digital strategy and improve integration
heart attacks and strokes

New approach to preventing heart attacks and strokes announced

A new drive from the NHS and Public Health England (PHE) to help prevent heart attacks and strokes has been announced today
suicide prevention week

Suicide Prevention Week: Organisations and charities

Yesterday marked the start of National Suicide Prevention Week in the US and Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day, with charities raising awareness globally
hospitals in England

New winter emergency care funding for hospitals in England

The government has announced extra funding to help a number of hospitals in England with emergency care over the winter months
duty of care

Why the NHS needs to take duty of care seriously

The NHS must ensure duty of care is in place for staff work journeys or risk facing prosecution. Andy Shettle explains how the process can be streamlined
stroke in young people

The impact of stroke in young people

Jukka Putaala from the European Stroke Organisation outlines the effects of stroke in young people compared to stroke in the older generation
escherichia coli

An insight into Escherichia coli

Understanding Escherichia coli ecology and evolution in the gut as a commensal is a prerequisite to fight this opportunistic pathogen

Understanding cancer through molecular cell biology

Progress in Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy of Cancer Requires Rethinking of European Reimbursement Practices for Mutation Testing

Can a new light-based therapy help with Alzheimer’s disease?

Prof Michael R Hamblin of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital discusses a new light-based therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

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