Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

Asthma: How to treat and prevent the high impact disease

Sereina de Zordo from the aha! Swiss Allergy Centre outlines the global burden of asthma and how through various methods and programmes it can be managed
transferability of health information on laptop

Has austerity made healthcare a political football?

There are recent examples where healthcare has been used to win over voters, says Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb, Secretary General, European Health Forum Gastein Health has become...

Using ATP cleaning methods to reduce HCAIs

Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs) could be prevented using adequate cleaning methods. Here Martin Easter of Hygiena International Ltd explains

What is the European drug situation in 2017?

Jane Mounteney, Alexis Goosdeel and Paul Griffiths from the EMCDDA highlight key findings from the 2017 European Drug Report and new threats emerging.

Environmental health science: reducing the risk

Virginia Guidry and Kimberly Gray from the NIEHS outline how environmental health science can help to identify potential hazards in a child’s environment

New concepts for the pathogenesis and asthma therapy

Prof Dr. Michael Roth, University Hospital Basel looks at how asthma therapy can reduce the effects of airway wall remodelling
Antimicrobial resistance

Tackling the threat of antimicrobial resistance in Canada

As antibiotics become less effective against infection, Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, outlines the response to antimicrobial resistance in Canada.

The DIDO Project: autoimmune disease therapies research

University of Perugia’s Ursula Grohmann and Antonio Macchiarulo share the work of the DIDO project in understanding cancer and autoimmune disease therapies

Nutrition research is vital for healthy outcomes

Dr Christopher Lynch, Director of the Office of Nutrition Research explores the links between diet and health in an interview with Editor Laura Evans

Hepatitis B vaccine rationed in UK due to global shortage

A temporary limit on who can have a hepatitis B vaccination has been implemented by health officials in the UK

Hitting new targets for new antibiotics

Assistant Professor Clare Kirkpatrick shares insight into the development of new antibiotics for the opportunistic human pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Huntington’s disease: Investigating pathogenic mechanisms

New York University School of Medicine’s Naoko Tanese explores the pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for Huntington’s disease

Pushing scientific fact over public opinion in Italian healthcare

Open Access Government’s Ciara Ruane explores the challenges facing the Italian healthcare system and the need for an evidence-based approach

How can technology safeguard quality of care?

DiaGraphIT’s Managing Director, Tone Birkenes, explains how technology can revolutionise the quality of care delivered in healthcare settings

Sexual health services in England “at tipping point”

Visits to sexual health services in England have increased and services are at “tipping point”, according to local councils Despite the government saying more than...

Understanding speech and language disorders

Open Access Governments Editor Laura Evans talks to NIDCD’s Deputy Director Dr Judith Cooper about the research strides being made in speech and language...

Finding effective treatments for vascular dementia

Dr Doug Brown, Director of Research, Alzheimer’s Society provides details on the research into vascular dementia and explains why more work is needed Vascular dementia...

The need for a more patient-centric healthcare revolution

As systems and priorities change, healthcare needs to be more patient-centric, says Steve Tassell, Global Product Marketing Manager at Bizagi

Managing a respiratory condition

British Lung Foundation’s Dr Penny Woods provides advice on how to manage a respiratory condition and highlights the strides being made into lung research

The dilemma of over diagnosis of pancreatic cysts

Dr. Annabelle L. Fonseca et al explain the problems created by current medical guidelines for diagnosing pancreatic cysts

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