Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

Reducing the prevalence of childhood obesity in Finland

Childhood obesity can cause major health problems in later life. Open Access Government highlights how Finland is tackling the growing health challenge

Overlooked by public health: Specific language impairment

Mabel L. Rice, University of Kansas highlights specific language impairment and why it often goes unrecognised as health disorder

NHS spending plans delayed because of financial pressures

The King’s Fund has revealed NHS spending across a number of areas is expected to be cancelled or delayed due to money difficulties

Thousands of family doctors could be lost due to Brexit

GP leaders are warning more than 2,000 family doctors could be lost if the status of EU citizens living in the UK is not protected during negotiations

Health literacy: Developing healthy communities

The University of Applied Sciences in Nordhausen and Pfalzklinikum explain why rural areas have advantages over cities in developing healthy communities

Ensuring health equity for Canadian indigenous populations

Professor Pierre S. Haddad shares the challenges of overcoming health inequality for Canadian indigenous populations and highlights solutions to the issue

Conservative party makes a U-turn on social care policy proposals

Following backlash, the Conservatives have amended social care policy plans included in last week’s election manifesto

Identifying novel biomarkers for drug-induced kidney injury

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) explain how SAFE-T DIKI is advancing research into drug-induced kidney injury

Uterine fibroids: Where is research heading?

Uterine fibroids represent a prevalent benign gynaecologic problem in the U.S, here Romana A. Nowak of the University of Illinois explains

Tackling chronic diseases through innovative health

John Bowis, Honorary President of Health First Europe highlights how innovations in health are helping with tackling chronic diseases

Understanding developmental language disorder

Mandy Grist, Speech and Language Advisor at children’s communication charity I CAN, sheds light on developmental language disorder – previously known as SLI What do...

NHS pay cap is damaging the health service

Health leaders have called for politicians to consider the impact of the NHS pay cap during the next parliament

Technology for proactive healthcare

Proactive healthcare is made possible through passive monitoring, which detects very early signs of health problems

Hand hygiene and beyond: Its influence on infection control

Infection control relies on good hand hygiene practices. Martin Easter, General Manager, Hygiena International Ltd explains why it is so important

Health Accord: Healthcare for all

Open Access Government highlights how Health Minister, Jane Philpott aims to improve the lives of all Canadians through their new Health Accord Plan

Helping Indigenous communities become healthier

Carrie Bourassa, Scientific Director, CIHR-IAPH discusses the issue of poor health among Indigenous communities and says research is the key to tackling it

Fighting against breast cancer in Canada

Canadian Cancer Society’s Dr Rob Nuttall and Shawn Chirrey explain how fighting against breast cancer requires ongoing support for research and screening

HIV and sexual health services require a long-term strategy

The future of HIV and sexual health services is far from certain, says Debbie Laycock, Head of Policy and Parliamentary Affairs at Terrence Higgins Trust
public health

Recognising dementia as a public health priority

The World Health Organization, says recognising dementia as a public health priority is key to addressing the condition globally

SEND reforms: Planning for education, health and care

Mark Raeburn, Managing Director at Capita One, looks at the steps local authorities are taking as they enter the next phase of SEND reforms

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