Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

Asbestos exposure can cause significant risks to health

Dr. Christopher P. Weis of the National Institutes of Health, shares with Editor Laura Evans the dangers of long term asbestos exposure

Healthcare analytics: Best practice from all over the world

David Bolton, Director, Public Sector & Healthcare, Qlik Global Industry Solutions highlights how healthcare analytics vary between countries

World Parkinson’s Day: uniting to raise awareness

Today, stakeholders from across the globe will unite to raise awareness of Parkinson’s during a dedicated campaign

The role of physiotherapy for Parkinson’s

Writing on behalf of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Dr. Bhanu Ramaswamy highlights how physiotherapy can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s

World Health Day: Shining a light on postpartum depression

Around 10-15 per cent of women suffer postpartum depression after giving birth. This year’s World Health Day will highlight this important issue
Dementia research: Translating knowledge into new treatments

Dementia research: Translating knowledge into new treatments

Chief Executive Hilary Evans highlights how Alzheimer’s Research UK is helping advance dementia research, but warns there is still more to be done
A growth strategy for Finnish health research

A growth strategy for Finnish health research

Academy of Finland’s Jarmo Wahlfors shares how key players have developed a growth strategy to ensure a coherent approach to Finnish health research
improvements in stroke care

Improvements in stroke care, awareness and early detection

Frederic Destrebecq, Vinciane Quoidbach and Alison Turner at the European Brain Council discuss improvements in stroke care, awareness-raising and early detection Stroke is a leading...
chemotherapy predicting cancer treatment outcome

Tissue-scale factors in predicting cancer treatment outcome

Zhihui Wang and Vittorio Cristini provide evidence that could improve the success of treatment plans and make predicting cancer treatment outcome easier Current processes for...
early learning and behaviour girl playing

Early learning and behaviour research at the US NICHD

Research on early learning and behaviour translates into effective interventions and care, says Dr James A Griffin of the NICHD at the US National...
liver cancer metastasis

Obesity, liver cancer, metastasis: Future consequences for Europe

Mathias Heikenwälder at the German Cancer Research Center warns of the impact of modern lifestyles and the obesity epidemic on liver cancer and metastasis Alterations...
disease-associated myosteatosis fish oil

Disease-associated myosteatosis in people with cancer: Can it be treated?

Can we prevent the muscle loss associated with some cancers? Dr Vera Mazurak at the University of Alberta is looking into one method of...
therapies for weak muscles woman

Therapies for weak muscles: Re-establishing musculoskeletal function

Professor Martin Flück and colleagues at Balgrist University Hospital's Laboratory for Muscle Plasticity investigate possible therapies for weak muscles It is estimated that 10% of the...
blood test European action on HIV and viral hepatitis

Towards the 2030 health goals: European action on HIV and viral hepatitis

European action on HIV and viral hepatitis is at a necessary turning point to meet 2030 SDGs, writes Dr Masoud Dara of the WHO...
access to innovative medicines

The IMI programmes driving access to innovative medicines

By providing the infrastructure to support drug discovery, the IMI is accelerating access to innovative medicines, as the EFPIA highlights here Innovation is the lifeblood...
Italy's ageing population ladies walking Florence

Italy’s ageing population and the healthcare challenge

Open Access Government examines some of the statistics around Italy's ageing population, related health challenges, and policy action to address the issue Italy is currently...
obesity epidemic and cancer woman scales

The obesity epidemic and cancer: A disaster in the making?

IARC’s Véronique Terrasse highlights the link between the growing obesity epidemic and cancer in countries around the world, with some alarming statistics The obesity epidemic...
food neuroscience fresh fruit veg and nuts

Food neuroscience: The fascinating world of eating behaviours

Professor Raffaella Rumiati shares some insights into food recognition and eating behaviours that are emerging from food neuroscience research at SISSA In recent years there...
migrants mental health refugees beach

Europe needs a plan to address refugees’ and migrants’ mental health

Refugees' and migrants' mental health care needs must be addressed, and a coordinated response is essential, stresses Ophélie Martin at Mental Health Europe More than...
smart private hospitals of the future

Planning the smart private hospitals of the future

UEHP President Dr Paul Garassus writes on the importance of investing in smart private hospitals for sustainable healthcare In an historical moment in which uncertainty...

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