Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

endocrine disruption looking glass

Through the looking-glass: Endocrine disruption and child health

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi at the Italian National Health Institute discuss the need for further research on endocrine disruption and child health When assessing...
cancer research and training

Cancer research and training take centre stage in NCI’s work

Open Access Government spoke to the National Cancer Institute’s Dr S Percy Ivy about cancer research and training and the importance of clinical trials The...
emergency medical services affordable care act

What will happen if the Affordable Care Act is repealed?

Dr Virginia M Stewart asks what will happen if the Affordable Care Act is repealed, sounding a warning for the health and lives of...
gynaecological cancer treatment advances

How far have we come on treating gynaecological cancer?

New avenues are opening up for treatment of gynaecological cancer, Professor Gunnar Kristensen of Oslo University Hospital explains to Open Access Government Surgery remains an...
eye close up cataract surgery

Innovative device for cataract surgery in sight

John Hendrick, President and CEO of Mynosys, looks at the history of the capsulotomy and the future of innovative equipment for cataract surgery In 1950,...
malaria elimination mosquito drawing

Playing the malaria elimination game was never going to be easy

Eradicating malaria will not be easy or cheap, but it will be worthwhile in the long run, argues Professor David H Peyton of Portland...
GoTreatIT sensor technology tablet phone

GoTreatIT® sensor tech collaboration reaches across Europe

Norwegian company DiaGraphIT reveals more about a successful collaboration on sensor technology with the Irish Insight Centre for Data Analytics In our previous article about...
communication in healthcare people window

We need different thinking about communication in healthcare

Pfalzklinikum CEO Paul Bomke suggests that a new paradigm is needed in our thinking about communication in healthcare, especially around mental health It is increasingly...
closing hospitals wheelchair outside

NHS plans include closing hospitals and ‘centralising’ services

The King’s Fund insists government must be ready to back radical changes set out in NHS transformation plans, including closing hospitals and A&Es Sustainability and...
mother baby integrated health and social care

Three essential steps on the way to integrated health and social care

Mark Raeburn, Managing Director of Capita One, shares three points local authorities should be aware of in their approach to integrated health and social...
council tax rises not enough for social care

Council tax rises won’t fix local government funding crisis: LGA

The Local Government Association warns that cuts to other services are inevitable as council tax rises will fail to plug the adult social care...
HIV transmission testing kit gloved hands

How do we reduce HIV transmission in Southern and Eastern Africa?

Better understanding of the factors at play will enable efforts to reduce HIV transmission in Southern and Eastern Africa, where incidence rates are highest The...

Spontaneous brain plasticity brings hope after stroke

Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, but research into spontaneous brain plasticity could offer hope for recovery Among the main causes...
social care system brink of collapse older people

Social care system on verge of collapse, say Age UK

Charity Age UK say the social care system is on the brink of disaster, with more than a million older people not receiving the...
Parkinson's drug discovery needle stethoscope

How the retreat of big pharma leads to lost opportunities for Parkinson’s drug discovery

The changing pharma landscape means opportunities for Parkinson's drug discovery are missed, but Parkinson's UK has a new strategy to redress the balance This will...
Ebenstein lab research on DNA

Ebenstein lab develops new technologies for studying genomes

Researchers in the Ebenstein lab for nanobiophotonics at Tel Aviv University are using epigenetic marks to study genomic variation Although the DNA sequence is identical...
Paediatric oncology drug development conference 2016

Innovative oncology drug development: Why not children?

SIOPE asks why therapies made available for adults are not extended to children with cancer, and why paediatric oncology drug development is lagging behind Thanks...
umbilical cord blood benefits newborn baby

Umbilical cord blood: A life enhancer for all babies

Judith Mercer and Debra-Erickson Owens have found positive changes after a short delay in cord clamping, indicating the benefits of umbilical cord blood When cord...
sight test for low vision

Out of sight: Low vision is a National Eye Institute priority

Low vision can be a blight on the lives of those it affects, which is why it’s a National Eye Institute priority, as Dr...
optimising the menstrual cycle female athletes

Optimising the menstrual cycle: Fact not fiction

Researchers at the Human Performance Laboratory are separating the fact from the fiction when it comes to optimising the menstrual cycle of female athletes Athletes,...

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