Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

Sweidsh agenda to end AIDS Gabriel Wikstrom

The Swedish agenda to end AIDS by 2030

Gabriel Wikström, Minister for Health Care, Public Health and Sport, sets out the Swedish agenda to end AIDS by 2030 to Open Access Government Today...
health information system eu

ERIC on Health Information: Targeted investments in people’s health & wealth

Petronille Bogaert & Herman Van Oyen, on behalf of BRIDGE Health, explain the challenge of creating an EU health information system and how an...

NHS is facing an existential crisis

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has conceded there are difficulties facing the NHS and said there is “no excuse” for them
Aztec goddess of epilepsy painting

The single seizure clinic: A paradigm shift in epilepsy care

Professor Jose Tellez-Zenteno and colleagues argue the need for a dramatic change in the way epilepsy is treated, and explain how the single seizure...
ALS research in Italy for treatment

ALS research in Italy: Deciphering the disease’s complexity

AriSLA – The Italian Research Foundation for ALS, outlines strides made in ALS research in Italy over the last 10 years and work still...
treatments for prostate cancer psa test

Treatments for prostate cancer: Pros and cons

Dr Sumith A Kularatne, vice-president of R&D at On Target Laboratories, explores the pros and cons of various existing treatments for prostate cancer Prostate cancer...
successful obesity policies jelly babies

An ounce of prevention, a pound of cure: What makes successful obesity policies?

Philip Sherman, Mary-Jo Makarchuk and Keeley Rose at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, highlight the need for research to inform successful obesity policies Obesity...
Orkdal model of cancer care

Regional organisation and the Orkdal model of cancer care

The Orkdal model of cancer care rests on collaboration between specialist oncology and community care in palliative treatment, as Anne Kari Knudsen explains The Norwegian...
Vytenis Andriukaitis portrait rare forms of cancer article

We are joining the dots on rare forms of cancer, EU health commissioner says

Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, stresses the need for prevention and spotlights joint efforts to tackle rare forms of cancer The...
sustainable healthy lifestyles swimming child

Promoting sustainable healthy lifestyles with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach

The PEGASO project is helping address the global obesity epidemic by promoting change towards sustainable healthy lifestyles, as Renata Guarneri describes The increasing prevalence of...
health technology Finland former minister Olli Rehn

For health technology, Finland is a haven

In Finland, health technology benefits from research investment and a culture of collaboration, as the former Minister of Economic Affairs details here When it comes...
digital healthcare fitness tracker wristband

A strategy for digital healthcare in France

M Warrender highlights the strides made on digital healthcare in France and outlines what Health Minister Marisol Touraine is doing to secure its future Digital...
smartphone app for remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring to enhance follow-up management

Digital solutions are opening the door to remote patient monitoring, as Nouveal e-health’s e-fitback app demonstrates Over the past few years, several issues have been...
Albio blood alcohol test in action

The rapid blood alcohol test that could save lives

Albio™ is a rapid and cost-effective blood alcohol test which could help paramedics and emergency responders save lives.
sustainable healthcare technology doctor with tablet computer

Sustainable healthcare and the technological revolution

Anssi Pulkkinen, director of wellbeing and health at Finnish funding agency Tekes, on the role of technology in securing sustainable healthcare for all Technological development...
smartphone and trainers mhealth in the EU concept

mHealth in the EU: Challenges of technology applied to health

As mobile technologies advance, Francesca Cattarin, Health Policy Officer at The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), explores the role of mHealth in the EU Mobile health...
Old and young woman make personal budgets dementia friendly

Making personal budgets dementia friendly

A sea change is needed among local authorities to make personal budgets dementia friendly, argues George McNamara of the Alzheimer’s Society People with dementia and...
diagnostic services for cancer throat ultrasound

Diagnostic services for cancer are under growing pressure

Improving cancer survival relies on earlier diagnosis, but diagnostic services are under growing pressure, as Cancer Research UK Policy Manager Sara Bainbridge explains There are...
risks to eating crispy roast potatoes and browned toast

Government scientists warn of risks of eating crispy roast potatoes and browned toast

New guidance published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) warns of the potential risks of eating crispy roast potatoes and browned toast The guidance, which...
membranous nephropathy kidney function

Membranous nephropathy: A renal auto-immune disease

Professor Pierre Ronco describes advances in our understanding of membranous nephropathy and the promise of precision medicine to treat the disease A rare disease which...

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