Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

WHO's European Food and Nutrition Action Plan

WHO’s European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020

Programme Manager João Breda explains the likely repercussions of the WHO’s European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020 With the unanimous adoption of the World...
Paediatric ataxias need more research

Paediatric ataxias: Complex disorders with many challenges

An Italian clinical and research network aims at improving the diagnosis, management and care of patients with paediatric ataxias Paediatric ataxias (PAs) are a large,...
cardio-metabolic risk spotted by Wize mirror

A smart mirror for cardio-metabolic risk prevention

The SEMEOTICONS project presents the Wize Mirror, a multisensory platform that analyses your face for signs of cardio-metabolic risk and guides behavioural change Cardiovascular diseases...
AIDS awareness HIV self-testing

WHO guidance on HIV self-testing issued to coincide with World AIDS Day

Ahead of World AIDS Day on 1 December, the World Health Organization has released new guidelines on HIV self-testing to improve access to HIV...
Metals replace traditional antibiotics illustration

Can metals replace traditional antibiotics?

Raymond J Turner and colleagues at the University of Calgary consider the future of metals as replacements for traditional antibiotics The prophylactic use of antibiotics...
NHS structure, NHS

Doctors threaten to boycott ‘passport for free treatment’ plans

Plans to tackle ‘health tourism’ by asking patients to show their passport to prove they are eligible for free treatment have been criticised by...
Emergency ultrasound treatment

Advanced practice provider emergency ultrasound pathway

Virginia M Stewart at FESPA outlines the importance of guidelines for delivering emergency ultrasound treatment As per the August 2012 American College of Emergency Physicians...
older people not getting care needed

1.2 million older people don’t get the care they need

Around 1.2 million older people in England are not getting the care they need, according analysis from leading charity Age UK The number of older...
traumatic brain injury

Lessening the burden of traumatic brain injury

Drs. Elizabeth Theriault, Ramona Hicks and Patrick SF Bellgowan shed light on the burden of traumatic brain injury and the need for better diagnosis...
child mental health girl on steps

Education Policy Institute calls for new children’s mental health challenge

The final report from the Education Policy Institute’s independent commission on children and young people’s mental health calls for new Prime Minister’s challenge The Education...
STPs for NHS nurse arms folded

King’s Fund report backs controversial STPs for NHS

A report published today by The King’s Fund says Sustainability and Transformation Plans – STPs – for the NHS are the right way forward...

Virtual reality supporting patient-centered care

Xavier Palomer, CEO of Psious, details how virtual reality is changing the landscape of patient-centered care Virtual reality (VR) as a treatment modality has already...

eHealth training will be crucial to upskill the workforce

Training and development opportunities are crucial to upskill the eHealth workforce, as Dr Lisa McCann from the University of Surrey points out We find ourselves...
Stroke neuroplasticity X-ray illustration

Stroke and neuroplasticity: A multiscale insight

After a stroke, neuroplasticity contributes to spontaneous recovery; exactly how, Professor Francesco Pavone and colleagues are investigating Cerebral stroke often leaves victims with significant psychical...

Making the NHS digital strategy ‘mission possible’

Helen McKenna, Senior Policy Adviser at The King’s Fund, asks how the NHS digital strategy can be implemented at a time of great financial pressures Jeremy...
Food safety test petri dish

Addressing AMR from a food safety perspective

Renata Clarke, Sarah Cahill, and Jeffrey LeJeune, from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, outline the relationship between food safety and...
Personal budgets dementia care provider

Make personal budgets dementia friendly, charity urges

The Alzheimer’s Society is calling on local authorities to make personal budgets dementia friendly and break down barriers to access According to the Alzheimer’s Society,...
Adult social care old lady

LGA social care report highlights funding crisis

A report released by the Local Government Association (LGA) today highlights a chronic lack of funding for adult social care in England and Wales The...
treatment of ovarian cancer

New developments in the treatment of ovarian cancer

Gunnar Kristensen, from the Department of Gynaecologic Oncology at Oslo University Hospital, looks at new strategies for the treatment of ovarian cancer. It is recognised...
rapid support public health

Rapid support for public health issues provided by new UK team

A new team from the UK will provide rapid support for public health issues around the world, helping to control global disease outbreaks within...

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