Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

sexual health

Sexual Health: an integral approach

Martin van Rijn, State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport in the Netherlands highlights how in all their programs they aim to build awareness and...

How Europe should act on childhood obesity

Nikolai Pushkarev, Policy Officer at the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), outlines the importance of tackling obesity in children. We are drowning in declarations, strategies and...
processed meat

WHO says processed meat is carcinogenic

A new report published by the World Health Organization has classified processed meat as carcinogenic to humans. To the discerning meat eater there is nothing...

Tackling cancer in children and adolescents

Professor Giles Vassal, President of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology outlines why it is crucial for Europe to come together and tackle and prevent...

Can TB be eliminated altogether?

Dr Masoud Dara, Senior Advisor at the World Health Organization explains the challenges of tackling TB to Editor Laura Evans, and why antibiotic resistance...

Partnerships for success

Ellen Rowles from Action PR Ltd sheds light on why third party partnerships hold the key to success in improving leisure facilities for schools...
stethoscope calculator

NHS overspends by nearly £1bn in three months

New figures have revealed the NHS has run up £930m deficit in just three months… NHS trusts in England are in significant financial trouble after...

Improved access to radiotherapy needed, says experts

Doctors have revealed that millions of people have died unnecessarily from cancers that could have been treated by radiotherapy. New data presented at the European...

Innovative solutions for healthcare challenges

European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis spoke at eHealth week in Riga about how digital applications are integral to tackling today’s...
A snapshot of breast cancer

A snapshot of breast cancer

Tom Stansfeld, Health Information Officer at Cancer Research UK gives an overview of breast cancer and how survival has improved… Breast cancer is the most...
Depression in adolescence

Depression in adolescence

Dr Rhys Bevan Jones, Clinical Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychological Medicine & Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics & Genomics at...
Raising awareness of skin cancer

Raising awareness of skin cancer

Dr. Myrto-Georgia Trakatelli, Dermatologist and Chair of the Media & PR Committee at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) highlights the growing problem of...
Mental health crisis care is inadequate

Mental health crisis care is inadequate

Care regulator warns the mental health system is struggling to cope with demands, leaving many people in crisis without adequate care… The Care Quality Commission (CQC) reviewed...
Skin cancer prevention in Europe

Skin cancer prevention in Europe

Veronique del Marmol European Chair and Alexander Stratigos Vice-Chair of Euromelanoma look at the growing burden of skin cancer in Europe, and the importance...
The number of agency staff to be reduced

The number of agency staff to be reduced

Jeremy Hunt has called for the NHS to cut its spending on agency workers, but what does this mean for the health service? Adjacent...
England meets A&E waiting-time targets

England meets A&E waiting-time targets

For the first time since September, accident and emergency units across England successfully met the four-hour waiting-time target... After failing to meet waiting-time targets for...
Underfunding threatens childcare

Underfunding threatens childcare

Childcare providers have warned chronic underfunding could push the system to breaking point as the government announces plans to double free provision for three...
Smoking ban spares children serious illness

Smoking ban spares children serious illness

New research has revealed the smoking ban has prevented thousands of children from serious illness and reduced the number of hospital admissions The smoking ban,...

Medical imaging – revolutionising healthcare

Professor Alison Murray, Director of the Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging Centre, University of Aberdeen, explains how medical imaging has transformed healthcare over the years  Modern imaging...

Understanding coronary artery disease in postmenopausal ladies

Dr Stefano Savonitto, Director of Cardiology at Manzoni Hospital sheds light on the risk of heart disease in women  When thinking about their health, women...

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