The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
The European Brain Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting brain research and improving the lives of the estimated 179 million Europeans living with brain conditions. Here, they discuss efforts aimed at enhancing care and raising awareness about brain health in Europe.
Writing on behalf of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Dr. Bhanu Ramaswamy highlights how physiotherapy can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s
Frederic Destrebecq, Vinciane Quoidbach and Alison Turner at the European Brain Council discuss improvements in stroke care, awareness-raising and early detection
Stroke is a leading...
Zhihui Wang and Vittorio Cristini provide evidence that could improve the success of treatment plans and make predicting cancer treatment outcome easier
Current processes for...
Mathias Heikenwälder at the German Cancer Research Center warns of the impact of modern lifestyles and the obesity epidemic on liver cancer and metastasis
Professor Martin Flück and colleagues at Balgrist University Hospital's Laboratory for Muscle Plasticity investigate possible therapies for weak muscles
It is estimated that 10% of the...
By providing the infrastructure to support drug discovery, the IMI is accelerating access to innovative medicines, as the EFPIA highlights here
Innovation is the lifeblood...
Open Access Government examines some of the statistics around Italy's ageing population, related health challenges, and policy action to address the issue
Italy is currently...
IARC’s Véronique Terrasse highlights the link between the growing obesity epidemic and cancer in countries around the world, with some alarming statistics
The obesity epidemic...