The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
We all have a unique face, fingerprint, voice, and signature, so why wouldn’t we have a unique response to the medicine and treatments we receive? Mark Hitchman, Managing Director at Canon Medical Systems UK, explores this question.
Federico Caligaris-Cappio, Scientific Direcor at AIRC - the Italian Association for Cancer Research, highlights the work of the organisation in order to support and...
Dr. Mahiben Maruthappu, Senior Fellow to the CEO at NHS England, outlines how digitalisation will transform healthcare…
Digital has transformed almost every aspect of our...
Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees discusses strategies for redefining child health for the 21st century in clinical practice, education, research and beyond.
Since its inception more...
Pete Fleischmann, Head of Co-production at the Social Care Institute for Excellence and Karen Newbigging, Senior Lecturer in Health Care Policy and Management at...
Sarah White, Policy and Partnerships Manager (Health) at the national disability charity Sense outlines the importance of healthcare being accessible for people who are...
Fighting vague and imprecise answers when measuring the quality of care – GoTreatIT software creates visual overview of already completed or ongoing treatment, including...
David Mowat, Under-Secretary of State for Community Health and Care at the Department of Health, highlights the Carers Strategy, and how it gives carers the...
Jean Michel LeTennier, CEO, Atomic Information Systems Corp talks about global electronic health records and explains the challenges of these systems...
What has become painfully clear to...
Ellen Rowles from Action PR outlines why physical activity can hold the key to the success of supporting youth offenders…
Statistics from the Youth Justice Board...
Jan Conn, Sara Bickersmith and Catharine Prussing from the Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health and Marta Moreno from the Department of...
Professor Guy Joos, President of the European Respiratory Society and Dan Smyth, Chair of the European Lung Foundation, look at the importance of healthy...
A new partnership between universities in Ireland will see a new centre for medical device research launched…
The medical devices research sector is set to...
Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director, and Vinciane Quoidbach, Public Health and Policy Project Manager at the European Brain Council, explain the socio-economic impact of interventions...
According to a new briefing published by The Kings’ Fund, government minister's and NHS leaders should have a definitive plan for digital health…
The briefing...
Beki Cadd and Stephanie Bradbeer from Action PR highlight the importance of increasing leisure participation amongst disengaged groups within communities…
According to statistics from Sport...