The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
A new analysis from the Health Foundation has revealed concerns over the future funding needs of NHS England with warnings of a potential shortfall unless the health service can significantly boost its productivity in the coming years.
Surveying over 700,000 U.S veterans has revealed that adopting eight lifestyle habits by middle age can extend life expectancy by years, if not decades.
Older adults are among the most frequent users of emergency care; Open Access Government explains why this is and the suggested measures to improve and diversify care delivery and support the recovery of health and social care systems.
We spoke to Dr Joanne Hackett, Former Chief Commercial Officer of Genomics England and Regional Board Member of Movement Health 2030, about how genomic...
Only 53% of UK adults are drinking enough water, according to Water Logic. Yet being just 1% dehydrated has serious implications for our health. Here are 10 reasons to drink more water along with some tips and tricks.
The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Canada’s Minister responsible for Sport, shares her vision for a safe and accountable sport system in which Canadian athletes from all walks of life can thrive.
An experimental Alzheimer's drug called donanemab, developed by Eli Lilly, has demonstrated a slowdown in progression of disease at early stages, according to trial data.
A&E departments across the UK are stretched, resulting in poor patient experiences and worse outcomes – but health technology could help streamline patient data.
The promise of connected care has expanded the opportunities for how clinicians and patients interact, offering care from a distance and creating a shift towards more accessible systems.
Professor Sultan Mahmud, Director of Healthcare at BT explores the latest virtual care NHS strategy, which BT is helping to deliver safely with the adoption of virtual wards.
Sandra Gallina, Director General at Directorate-General Sante (DG SANTE), tells us the purpose of the European Health Union, formed in 2020, which sets out to provide a healthier tomorrow thanks to the actions of today.