The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
The European Brain Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting brain research and improving the lives of the estimated 179 million Europeans living with brain conditions. Here, they discuss efforts aimed at enhancing care and raising awareness about brain health in Europe.
Paul De Raeve, Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations provides insight into the EU’s advanced practice nursing in long-term care.
As vaping becomes increasingly popular, with 3.6 million users in the UK alone, you may be wondering what the long-term effects of vaping on cardiovascular system are.
Individuals suffering from gender dysphoria may decide to take hormone therapy, but a new study says that this treatment can increase the risk of serious cardiac events.
Researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai prove that the COVID-19 vaccination is associated with fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues.
Researchers at McMaster University and Vanderbilt University explain how could changing the tune of hospital medical alarms could improve public health.
The country is struggling with extended NHS wait times for treatments, but new artificial intelligence and analytic solutions could be used to help resolve the crisis.
Hamilton Hall MD FRCSC, Executive Director, Canadian Spine Society/Back Care Canada, helps us to understand back pain, leg pain and how to manage the problem.