Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

health worker shortage, healthcare

Global health worker shortage could deny millions of people healthcare

Over 43 million additional health workers are needed to cover the health worker shortage globally, due to political unrest, violence, and lack of training.
emerging health concerns, diagnostics

Novacyt is powering ahead and tackling emerging health concerns

Empowering employees and examining emerging health threats in a new strategy for business growth is Novacyt CEO David Allmond’s mission in the weeks ahead.
fukushima disaster

11 years on: Cancer patients sue operator for Fukushima disaster

Tokyo court hearings are underway for almost $5 million in damages, for six individuals who developed thyroid cancer as a result of the Fukushima disaster.
data sharing

The changing landscape of primary care data sharing

NHS Digital’s Programme Head for GP Data, Eva Simmonds, discusses the benefits and challenges of health data sharing and looks to the future for the GP Data for Planning and Research programme.
NHS diagnostic services

ScanBox: Thinking inside the box for NHS diagnostic services

NHS diagnostic services have been placed under immense pressure by the COVID-19 pandemic, now, Fairford Medical’s CT ScanBoxes can ease up resource burdens
teleworking in health, post-pandemic

Impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, describes the impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being, beginning with the implications of this in pandemic & post-pandemic scenarios.
maternity report, birthrights

UK maternity report finds that women experience “dehumanisation” 

A maternity report by Birthrights finds that UK women experience "dehumanisation" and racism from caregivers.

The UK’s largest regional stroke thrombectomy network is powered by e-Stroke

Jeff Wyrtzen, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer at Brainomix explores the impact of the e-Stroke thrombectomy platform and its implementation across the supraregional network.
sunburn & skin cancer

Part 3: Scientific sunburn & skin cancer

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd. continues her discussion on sunburn & skin cancer science.
fish oil benefits, men's health

The link between fish oil benefits and men’s health

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores and examines fish oil benefits when it comes to the health of men.
racial disparities

Racial disparities found in early-onset colon cancer survival rates

Between 1992 and 2013, survival rates for young adults with colorectal cancer (CRC) only improved for Caucasian patients – no increase was seen for those from Black, Hispanic or Asian communities
NHS waiting list, workforce management

Tackling NHS waiting lists through effective workforce management 

Tim Powlson and Sue Johnson Gregory, at Entec Si, discuss how a new approach to workforce management could help reduce NHS waiting lists.
monkeypox outbreak, cases

Should we be preparing for a widespread monkeypox outbreak?

This ‘unusual’ monkeypox outbreak has been found to be larger and more widespread than previous outbreaks outside of Africa, and health experts propose better preparation.
urban greening, death

More urban greening could prevent over 34,000 US deaths

Between 34,000-38,000 deaths could have been reduced with local increases in urban greening in US city areas – as greenery may substantially reduce mortality.
long COVID symptoms, covid patients

30% of Long COVID patients had no existing illnesses

According to a US review of Long COVID patients, 30.7% of these people had no existing comorbidities that could explain their susceptibility to the virus.
genetic wellbeing, covid-19 pandemic

Some people had better genetic wellbeing during COVID-19

Genetic wellbeing differed between people when impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic – some people were able to handle stress better than others.
monkeypox symptoms, lymph nodes

What are five common monkeypox symptoms?

Here, we look at five key monkeypox symptoms and discuss potential consequences of infection.
asbestos removal, construction

The rudiments of asbestos removal

Michael Edwards, Occupational Safety and Health Content Developer from The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, walks us through the fundamentals of asbestos removal.
outcomes for stroke patients, AI

Using AI to support decision making & transform outcomes for stroke patients

Adam Nickerson, Head of Category, Digital and IT procurement frameworks at NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), explains how artificial intelligence software (AI) is used to support decision making & transform outcomes for stroke patients.
who foundation, alcohol industry

Does the alcohol industry donate to the WHO foundation?

The WHO foundation should not accept donations from the alcohol industry, according to reviewers of the loopholes in the Gift Acceptance Policy.

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