The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
The UK government has announced a £25 million boost for hospices across England, marking the first phase of a larger £100 million investment to improve the quality of end-of-life care.
Kayoko ITO, a professor at Osaka Prefecture University, looks at child abuse among families during COVID-19 and the measures taken to combat it through child and family counselling.
Y-h. Taguchi, a professor at Chuo University, looks toward a COVID-19 infection model which uses human patients blood who have been infected by COVID-19.
Mitesh Dhanak, Chair of the Organising Committee of Championing Social Care and Founder of Precious Homes, states the case for putting social care at the heart of post-pandemic health and economic recovery.
Dr Charlotte Lennox from the University of Manchester illustrates the health challenges for children in custodial settings and highlights a research project designed to develop health improvements and policy recommendations for future major incidents/pandemics.
Will Wepsala, Public Affairs Specialist at the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, walks us through the work of intercepting smuggled products to protect animal health.
Open Access Government discerns the priorities of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, which examines Health research in Canada.