Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

strata health, health and social

Uniting health and social care

Strata Health UK Chief Executive Clint Schick discusses how simple, cost-effective access and placement tools will enable joined up working in 2021 and beyond.
virtual patient

Reconstructive dentistry & virtual patients

In this interview, Mutlu Özcan, Prof. Dr Dr h.c., PhD from the University of Zürich, considers the possibilities concerning reconstructive dentistry and in this vein, digital technologies.
digital transformation NHS, vital hub UK

Digital transformation in the NHS

The digitalisation of healthcare is upon us, and Mike Sanders, Chief Executive Officer at Vital Hub UK Group of Companies advises on the best ways of providing effective digital care.
clinical backlog

Tackling the clinical backlog consequences of COVID-19

Keith Davies and Prof Dr Harald Braun of i5 Health & Analytics explain tackling the clinical backlog consequences of COVID-19.
menstrual cycle COVID vaccine,menstruation covid

NIH funds menstrual cycle and COVID vaccine research

McLean Hospital’s Clinical and Translational Pain Research Laboratory is one of five institutions splitting a $1.67 million NIH grant - the research will examine any links between the menstrual cycle and the COVID vaccine.
oral health education

Time to brush up on oral health education

Tess Player, VP, Global Head of Expert and Influence Marketing, GSK Consumer Healthcare, discusses how low public understanding of oral health is symptomatic of the need for better everyday health education.
concierge healthcare

Is concierge healthcare the right investment for you?

Annabelle Neame, Director of Business Development, HCA UK Concierge Centre, looks at the rise of concierge healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic and whether it is worth the investment.

Clinical diagnostics revolution set to boost patient outcomes

Here, we learn how international diagnostics group Novacyt are leading the innovation revolution in clinical diagnostics through discovery, design, and innovation.
uk's ageing population

The UK’s ageing population

Tom Gentry, Senior Policy Manager, Health Influencing at Age UK, tells us what we need to know about the UK’s ageing population.
staff engagement solution, NHS staff experience

Enhancing NHS staff experience and the quality of patient care

Digital engagement solution, ImproveWell makes it simple for organisations to capture continuous, real-time and actionable insight from the frontline to improve staff experience and the quality of patient care - and it all began on the ward…
care phobia

Tackling ‘care phobia’ – key to health & wealth in later life

Mary Bright, Head of Social Affairs and Age Special Adviser at Phoenix Group, explains why tackling ‘care phobia’ is the key to unlocking health and wealth in later life.
older adults

Welfare of older adults across healthcare

Dr. Malcolm Doupe and Dr. Frode Fadnes Jacobsen present their joint research program in response to the World Health Organization’s Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health.
infection control

Infection prevention and control – Lessons learned

Andrew Metcalfe, Director of Intelligent Infection Control Services Limited, LumiBio, explores the lessons learned in infection prevention and control.
glucose sensor

Nemaura Medical: Helping patients stay in control of their health

We speak with Dr Faz Chowdhury, CEO of Nemaura Medical regarding the ground-breaking technology of non-invasive glucose sensors and more.
Uk healthcare transgender

Is UK healthcare still creating barriers for transgender people?

Despite societal progression and increased LGBTQ+ acceptance, the transgender population still have to jump through hoops to receive healthcare in the UK.
COVID vaccination 12-15, covid vaccination

UK approves COVID vaccination for 12-15 year olds

The UK's Chief Medical Officers have approved COVID vaccination for young people aged between 12-15 years old, to begin by 22 September, 2021.
test & trace

Test & Trace: A permanent fixture in the new normal?

Now that we are living in a country that is largely free from Coronavirus restrictions, will Test & Trace remain part of our new normal? Rhian Gorecki, Research Manager at Walnut UNLIMITED explores here.
general practice

Data on patient access is key to helping the crisis in general practice

Paul Bensley, managing director, X-on, discusses why data on patient access is key to improving general practice as we move forward following the last year.

COVID and a year of telehealth

Rowan Pritchard Jones, Medical Director at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, discusses how telehealth has helped the hospital support its patients during COVID and beyond.
the covid-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines: Risks versus benefits

Lauren Matelski, Jeremy MacMahon, and Pamela J. Lein from the University of California, Davis, weigh the risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines versus the benefits.

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