Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

COVID-19 in African countries

Impact of COVID-19 in African countries

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, offers preliminary context about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in most African countries, starting with lessons to be learned from previous outbreaks.
COVID death North England, NHSA report

Report documents 17% higher rate of COVID death in North England

The Northern Health Science Alliance report says the North of England experienced a 17% higher rate of COVID death than the South - because of "higher deprivation and worse pre-pandemic health".

Glycoscience offers opportunities galore in healthcare

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, explains how glycoscience offers opportunities galore in healthcare.
optimal dental care

Oral health & optimal dental care in Europe

Dr Reddy, Dentist at Harley Street Specialist Hospital, explains why it’s important to promote oral health and provide optimal dental care in Europe today.
breastfeeding covid vaccine side effects, breastfeeding COVID

Do breastfeeding mothers have COVID vaccine side effects?

Researchers found that breastfeeding mothers and their infants faced no significant COVID vaccine side effects from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
control of infections

Optimising infection control post-pandemic

Luke S. P. Moore, Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist on behalf of the Healthcare Infection Society, directs our thoughts to optimising our control of infections and looks forward to the post-pandemic period.
HIV heart attacks, heart association

People with HIV more likely to experience heart attacks

Research by the American Heart Association found that people with HIV are more likely to experience heart attacks - with "higher rates of sudden cardiac death".
patients do not resuscitate, CPR

Study reveals one in five older patients marked “do not resuscitate”

A study, published in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, found that one in five older, sick patients are recorded as "do not resuscitate" on admission.
performance analysis

Using performance analysis to help older people stay healthier for longer

Paul Berney, CMO at connected care platform Anthropos, explores how performance analysis, used to keep athletes healthy, can also be used to help older people stay healthier for longer.
care model

Should the UK move to a care model similar to Europe?

Nicholas Kelly, Axela Innovations, discusses whether the UK should evolve the NHS to a care model similar to the Netherlands and Germany.
antibody levels

COVID-19: Antibody levels for the double-jabbed are waning

Dr Quinton Fivelman, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory, reveals that antibody levels for the double-jabbed are now waning. He asks was the UK Government unwise to relax most COVID precautions in July?.
social work for foster families

Research on Social Work for foster families

Here, Professor Kayoko Ito tells us about her ongoing research into foster care in the UK, using the results to assess the best way to increase fostering in Japan.

Study reveals transgender people still face increased risk of death

In a study spanning fifty years, researchers reveal that transgender people still face a disproportionate likelihood of death - a likelihood not connected to gender-affirming hormone treatment.
young people vaccine hesitant, uk vaccine hesitant

Why are young people in the UK vaccine hesitant?

ONS data finds that young people are distrustful of the vaccine, the UK Government, and anyone encouraging vaccine take-up - alongside the perception that COVID will not threaten their lives.
dehydration in care homes

The new innovative smart cup tackling dehydration in care homes

Aquarate illustate the life-threatening consequences of dehydration and introduce their Hydracup, committed to improve quality of care for our loved ones.
patient monitoring

The future of healthcare is at home

Elina Naydenova, CEO & Co-Founder of Feebris, argues that patient monitoring has reached a tipping point.
third dose of COVID, covid vaccines

EU medical authority denies “urgent need” for third dose of COVID vaccine

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reports that there is no "urgent need" for a third dose of COVID vaccine, based...

Remote Care in Action: Results from the NHS

High-quality, patient-centric care is indispensable, particularly when remote. Current Health’s care-at-home platform assists healthcare organisations in delivering this promise.
risk of long covid

Double vaccination reduces risk of Long COVID by 49%

Double vaccinated adults are 49% less likely to have Long COVID if they were to contract COVID-19, according to a new study.
fatigue long covid, muscle ache

ONS data shows fatigue most common symptom of Long COVID

New data finds that fatigue is the most common symptom of Long COVID, followed by shortness of breath and then muscle ache.

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