The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
The UK government has announced a £25 million boost for hospices across England, marking the first phase of a larger £100 million investment to improve the quality of end-of-life care.
CIHR was created in 2000 as an independent funding agency to provide leadership and support to health researchers and trainees across Canada, promoting better health for all.
Researchers find the best protection against COVID-19 is vaccinations rather than natural immunity, when analysing how infection with SARS-CoV-2 affects the immune system.
Rates of homicide by gun violence, for adults who live with handgun owners, were twice as high compared to adults who did not – the victims being primarily women.
Reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure, where having a lower salt intake will not prevent death, but can improve symptoms and quality of life.
Megan Warrender, Editor for Open Access Government, illustrates Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides’ priorities in supporting Member States to improve the quality and sustainability of health systems.
Chanda Siddoo-Atwal continues the discussion about scientific sunburn & skin cancer focusing on sunscreens that prevent scientific sunburn (apoptosis).
Jon Taberner, Senior Rehabilitation Specialist at Nuffield Health, explains that individuals with long-term symptoms of COVID-19 will need a lot of support.
The first ever woman cured from HIV underwent a dual stem-cell transplant, which seems to have made her genetically resistant to HIV and put her cancer into remission.
Dr Quinton Fivelman, Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory, says fighting near Ukraine’s nuclear power facilities brings home the need for a rapid radiation blood test.
As the first alternative for non-invasive treatment of kidney stones, ultrasound bursts can actually break up kidney stones – making it easier for them to pass on their own.