The latest health and social care news and a look at research and development into the treatment of common and rare diseases alike. We also look at the vital changes being made to help deliver effective healthcare through the digital transformation within the NHS.
The STIMULATE study will assess how patients with Long Covid progress and recover, explore innovative treatment options and investigates health inequalities
Janeth George from SACIDS Foundation for One Health and College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, details enhancing the effectiveness of animal health surveillance in Africa through a systems-based integrative research approach
Beatrix Vereijken and Lynn Rochester share how Mobilise-D develops digital technology to measure mobility in daily life to transform clinical research and health.
Here, several academic experts explain what we need to know about removing the blindfold on antimicrobial resistance - by strengthening clinical microbiology laboratories in resource-limited settings.
The trajectory of a human’s life course is by no means determined at birth. Nevertheless, the circumstances a child is born into and events taking place during the early childhood, or even gestation, shape life-course trajectories.
Jeff Wyrtzen, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer at Brainomix, explores a study proving that e-Stroke software improves stroke treatment rates
The rates of stillbirths in Black and South Asian communities are still double those of the rest of the population, despite an overall downward trend across the UK.
Only half of transgender patients report supportive primary care experiences, with more understanding healthcare experiences decreasing psychological distress.
Underserved communities are at nearly double the risk of smoking dependency according to new research publishing in CANCER the peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society