Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

pfizer third dose, FDA pfizer

FDA approves third Pfizer dose for people with weak immune systems

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved a third Pfizer dose for people who are immunocompromised - despite the WHO asking countries to wait until 20% were double-vaccinated, globally.
vaccine trial for children, moderna child

Moderna create vaccine trial for children aged 6 months and over

Moderna are enrolling roughly 13,275 participants in their vaccine trial for children - with the participants aged between six months to 12 years.
antibody treatments

Campaigners call for approval of life saving COVID-19 antibody treatments

A group of patient bodies, charities and senior clinicians have urged the Government to approve the use of life-saving COVID-19 antibody treatments.
herd immunity delta mythical, herd immunity

Epidemiologist says reaching herd immunity with Delta is “mythical”

Sir Andrew Pollard, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said on Tuesday (10 August) that herd immunity is "mythical" in relation to the Delta variant - as it still infects vaccinated individuals.
fully vaccinated

Self-isolation rules removed for fully vaccinated close contacts

Fully vaccinated individuals will no longer be legally required to self-isolate if they come into contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
covid-19 booster jab

COVID-19 booster jab will offer better protection against variants

COVID-19 booster jab will protect people from existing, and potentially future, variants, according to scientists at the University of Nottingham.
brain inflammation

Rare case of brain inflammation after mild COVID-19 infection

Physicians at University of California San Diego School of Medicine describe the first known case of a young, healthy adult who suffered brain inflammation after mild COVID-19 infection.
lower your blood pressure

Natural ways to lower your blood pressure

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, tells us about all the way you can naturally lower your blood pressure without medical intervention.
challenges faced by the NHS

Health innovation is key to resolving challenges faced by the NHS

Lorna Green, Director of Enterprise and Growth, describes the role of the Innovation Agency and the AHSN Network across England and how health innovation is increasingly becoming integral to resolving the long-term challenges faced by the NHS.
moderna vaccine second dose, booster jab

Moderna vaccine 93% effective six months after second dose

The Moderna vaccine appears to be 93% effective, six months after the second dose - but CEO Stéphane Bancel says "we must remain vigilant".

Fenofibrate could reduce COVID-19 infection by 70%

According to a new study, fenofibrate, a drug used to treat abnormal levels of fatty substances in the blood, could reduce COVID-19 infection by up to 70%.
people hospitalised with COVID, NHS

NHS says 20% of people hospitalised with COVID are young

New figures from the NHS show that 20% of people hospitalised with COVID right now are young - between the ages of 18 to 34.

Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to be offered to 16-17-year-olds

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has recommended that all 16 and 17-year-olds should receive their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
the Novavax vaccine

European commission approves contract for Novavax vaccine

The European Commission has approved a new contract that will allow Member States to purchase up to 100 million doses of the Novavax vaccine.
covid effects children, long term covid

UK study finds long-term COVID effects rare in children

This UK-based study, published in The Lancet, finds that long-term COVID effects are rare in children - usually, the illness is over after six days.
transgender stigma healthcare, transgender and nonbinary

Transgender youth experience “pervasive stigma” in healthcare

In a review of 91 studies across 17 countries, transgender and nonbinary youth were found to deal with "pervasive stigma and discrimination" in healthcare.
Track and Trace app

NHS Track and Trace app will ‘ping’ fewer contacts to isolate

Fewer contacts will be notified to self-isolate following updates to the NHS COVID-19 Track and Trace app.
US muslim ban, healthcare access

Study finds US ‘Muslim ban’ led to decrease in healthcare access

When the controversial US 'Muslim Ban' was signed in 2017, Muslim visits to emergency departments and appointments decreased - highlighting a connection between immigration rhetoric and healthcare access.
price COVID vaccines, pfizer price

Price of COVID vaccines to rise as they become variant-ready

France's Junior Minister for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, said that the price of COVID vaccines Pfizer and Moderna rose after being adapted for the Delta variant.
Long Covid research

£1.1 million given for Long Covid research

A new research project, known as LISTEN, has been awarded £1.1 million of UK government funding to support people with Long Covid.

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