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UK Government announces £25 Million boost for hospices to improve end-of-life care

The UK government has announced a £25 million boost for hospices across England, marking the first phase of a larger £100 million investment to improve the quality of end-of-life care.

Stillbirth rates double for some ethnic minorities in the UK

The rates of stillbirths in Black and South Asian communities are still double those of the rest of the population, despite an overall downward trend across the UK.

Only 50% of transgender patients feel supported by doctors

Only half of transgender patients report supportive primary care experiences, with more understanding healthcare experiences decreasing psychological distress.

Continued COVID face mask mandates could save healthcare billions

Maintaining face mask mandates and use between two to 10 weeks after vaccination could save almost $3 billion in direct medical costs across the U.S..

Underserved and poorer communities twice as likely to smoke

Underserved communities are at nearly double the risk of smoking dependency according to new research publishing in CANCER the peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society

Increased vaccine inequalities in UK ethnic minority groups

COVID vaccine rollout led to vaccine inequalities in UK ethnic minority groups, with a decline in people’s willingness to take up vaccination.

Are animal CBD products safe?

Suzette Smiley-Jewell, PhD & Pamela J. Lein, PhD from the University of California, Davis, explore the extent to which animal CBD products are safe

Improving mental wellbeing through a healthy diet

Jeanette C. Mostert & Alejandro Arias Vasquez from the Departments of Genetics and Psychiatry at Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands, lift the lid on improving mental wellbeing through a healthy diet

What are the five main Omicron symptoms? 

In this article, we explain the five main Omicron symptoms - while looking at why the variant is still dominant in global public health.

Could immune monitoring be the route to a Long COVID test?

Dr. Shivani Amdekar, Medical Director at Oxford Immune Algorithmics, believes deep immune monitoring could be the key to creating a Long COVID test.

Severe cases of COVID-19 can be linked to postal address

Unequal access to care is an ongoing issue reframed by the pandemic, where socially vulnerable areas had more severe cases of COVID-19.

Amyloidosis: A rare but devastating blood condition

Dr Peter Diamond, Head of Research from the Leukaemia Foundation, describes what we need to know about amyloidosis, a rare but devastating blood condition

The time is right to prioritise eye health research

Keith Valentine, Chief Executive of Fight for Sight, explains why eye health research needs to be on the political agenda.

Tackling inequalities in physical activity

Elisabeth Morgans, Senior project manager at C3 Collaborating for Health, discusses solutions to tackle physical inactivity and overcome the ever pervasive and entrenched issue of health inequality.

Patients can now check status of NHS COVID backlog

The platform, My Planned Care, will let patients check local hospital waiting times for specialist treatment - in order to fight the NHS COVID backlog.

Ukrainian hospitals face loss of medical oxygen supplies

Medical oxygen supplies are "dangerously low" across Ukrainian hospitals, with transport routes limited due to Russian violence.

Time to tackle the growing diabetes pandemic

Professor Andrew Boulton, President of the International Diabetes Federation, argues that now is the time to tackle the growing diabetes pandemic


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