Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

NHS moderna jabs, vaccine take-up

NHS say 170,000 Moderna jabs to expire in next two weeks

According to The Guardian, the NHS is concerned that 170,000 Moderna jabs will expire soon - as vaccine take-up in the 18-25 year old bracket slows down.
rise in long Covid 

Long Covid: The long road to recovery

Suzanne Marshall, Clinical Governance Officer at FirstCare, discusses how the UK public sector can cope with the expected rise in long Covid.
trauma informed care, american college of surgeons

Surgeons say trauma informed care can “break cycle of violence”

According to the American College of Surgeons, trauma informed care can help to "break the cycle of violence" - surgeons are usually the first healthcare professional to treat victims of violence.
racial disparities in vaccination, vaccination uptake

US study says racial disparities in vaccination problematic for 10 years

Scientists, looking at the US population, reveal that racial disparities in vaccination have been an ongoing issue for the last ten years.
under-12 children covid, parents vaccine

Half of parents may not vaccinate under-12 children against COVID

According to a CUNY study, only 49% of parents said they would vaccinate their under-12 child against COVID - with a further 25% saying they would not.
staff burnout

The pandemic, after the pandemic: Healthcare transformation can help solve staff burnout

Mike Hobby, Healthcare Transformation Partner, Checkit, explores how healthcare transformation can put a stop to staff burnout before it becomes a pandemic itself.
9 million AstraZeneca vaccines

UK donates 9 million AstraZeneca vaccines to countries overseas

The UK will begin to deliver 9 million AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines around the world this week, announces Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.
blood clotting

Blood clotting from severe COVID-19 caused by abnormal antibodies

Blood clotting and inflammation seen in very severe COVID-19 cases may be caused by abnormal antibodies, according to a new study.
adults attempted suicide, suicide research

Canadian study says 28% of adults who attempted suicide now thriving

The study, peer-reviewed and published in Archives of Suicide Research, finds that 28% of adults who attempted suicide now have excellent mental health.
intranasal COVID vaccines, clinical trial

Immunologists push for more intranasal COVID vaccines

While intramuscular vaccines are the norm right now, immunologists propose that intranasal COVID vaccines would be great for booster shots.
sexual assault ptsd, post-traumatic

Study says 75% of sexual assault survivors have PTSD, one month later

The University of Washington team explain that while most sexual assault survivors have PTSD one month after the attack - it is common to feel better within three months.
partnership between ReStart and Better

Partnership between ReStart and Better to improve NHS data interoperability

A new partnership between ReStart and Better will help health and care professionals access the data they need when they need it in real-time.
NHS overwhelmed, NHS covid

NHS say health service now overwhelmed to “height of pandemic” levels

NHS Providers have written a letter, showing that health service resources are now as overwhelmed as they were in January, 2021 - with the situation predicted to get worse before it gets better.
food labelling

Changing food labelling will help consumers make healthier choices

Rachel Bradford, Nutrition Policy Manager, Danone UK, expresses the need for an urgent change to our front of pack food labelling system to help consumers make healthier choices.
first dose covid, ethnicity

Only 58% of people 18-25 have first dose of COVID vaccine

In the UK, only 58% of people aged 18-25 have their first dose of COVID vaccine - despite widespread availability of appointments.
pay increase

NHS heroes to receive a pay increase of just 3%

The UK government has accepted the recommendations to offer NHS staff a pay increase of just 3% and junior doctors will miss out completely .
covid isolation list, isolation exemption

Food sector added to COVID isolation exemption list

Today (23 July), the UK announced that staff involved in securing food supply will now be added to the COVID isolation exemption list - with the exception of supermarket workers.
team europe

Team Europe to deliver 200 million vaccines to low and middle-income countries

‘Team Europe' to share more than 200 million COVID-19 vaccines with low and middle-income countries by the end of 2021.
national disability strategy, green paper

UK Government delays national disability strategy again

The national disability strategy is facing further delays - originally, it was to be published for Spring, 2021.

Listen to local government if we are to succeed in joining up health and...

David McKinney, Local Government Managing Director at Servelec, argues that Integrated Care Systems (ICS) will fall at the first hurdle if local authorities aren’t viewed and treated as equal partners.

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