Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

blood clots in arm, COVID-19

COVID-19 can trigger repeating blood clots in arm

A team at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School have found evidence of rare, repeating blood clots in the arms of COVID-19 patients.

Tobacco dependency: Treat it like any other illness

Sarah MacFadyen, Vice Chair of the Taskforce for Lung Health and Head of Policy and External Affairs at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, says it’s time that tobacco dependency was treated just like any other illness.
muslim population covid, covid india

Study says 66% of Indian public blame Muslim population for COVID

Researchers at Monash Business School surveyed the Indian public in Uttar Pradesh, finding that 66% blame the Muslim population for the spread of COVID.
effects of sleep deprivation

The effects of sleep deprivation on your skin

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores the effects that sleep deprivation can have on your skin.
12-15 year olds, pfizer vaccine

Pfizer vaccine can be given to 12-15 year olds in US

On Wednesday (12 May), the CDC announced that the Pfizer vaccine could now be given to 12-15 year olds - effective immediately for 17 million adolescents.
cervicogenic headaches

Unravelling the mystery of cervicogenic headaches

Rob Sillevis, Program Director for the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Marieb College of Health & Human Services Organisation dissects the potential causes and effective management of cervicogenic headaches.

Championing paper-light solutions in healthcare

Chris Norton, Managing Director, InterSystems UK & Ireland, argues that a paper-light, data-driven, and energy-efficient approach plays a key role in delivering sustainability while aligning with the NHS Long Term Plan to take a digital approach.
antibody deficiencies

Study examines immune responses to COVID in patients with antibody deficiencies

A new study aims to explore the immune response to COVID-19 infection and vaccination in patients with antibody deficiencies.
dispensing opticians

The role of dispensing opticians in eye care

Max Halford FBDO CL, Clinical Lead from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, charts the importance of delivering the highest standards of practice and care when it comes to our eyes.
dangers of cosmetic surgery

The dangers of cosmetic surgery

Michael Saul, Partner at Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors, ponders if more needs to be done to educate the public about the dangers of cosmetic surgery.
post-natal depression during pandemic, mental health

New mothers twice as likely to have post-natal depression during pandemic

During the first COVID lockdown, almost half of women with babies aged six months or younger experienced post-natal depression, according to UCL researchers.
nepal covid cases, trips amendment

Nepal faces 1200% increase in COVID cases

Nepal, which shares a long border with hard-hit India, is experiencing a meteoric rise in COVID-19 cases and facing an oxygen shortage.
heart damage

Mild COVID-19 infection is unlikely to cause permanent heart damage

According to a new study by researchers at UCL, mild COVID-19 infection is highly unlikely to cause lasting heart damage.
the covid-19 crisis

Testing must go hand-in-hand with vaccines to come out of the crisis

COVID-19 testing must go hand-in-hand with the vaccines in order for the UK to come out of the crisis successfully.
UK vaccine hesitancy, COVID

Research reveals five reasons behind UK vaccine hesitancy

New data explores why some in the UK continue to experience vaccine hesitancy - with one man explaining that "it is human nature to have second thoughts".
uk social care system, healthcare

Report finds UK social care system will “collapse” without unpaid carers

The Social Care 360 Report finds that unpaid carers contributed time worth £400 million to the UK social care system - daily, since the COVID-19 pandemic begun.
blood clot risk

Under 40s will be offered an alternative to the Astrazeneca vaccine

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that all under 40s should be offered an alternative to the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine following blood clot risk.
priority for the covid-19 vaccine

Dementia patients should be given priority for the COVID-19 vaccine

Alzheimer Europe has issued a call for people with dementia and their carers to be given priority for the COVID-19 vaccine.
hand dermatitis

Two-thirds of the public have hand dermatitis due to rigorous hand washing

More than two-thirds of the public may have hand dermatitis due to stringent handwashing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
covid-19 vaccine trials 

Only 41% of people are willing to sign up for COVID-19 vaccine trials

New research from the University of Birmingham shows that only 41% of people would be willing to sign up for COVID-19 vaccine trials.

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