Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

COVID care home deaths, care home

Scientists found racial differences in COVID care home deaths

According to new data, COVID care home deaths in the United States are influenced by race - with majority non-White care homes experiencing 3.3 times more deaths.
obesity and COVID-19

What do we know about obesity and COVID-19?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, highlights the possible reasons why being obese affects the risk of COVID-19 infection.
remote diagnosis, healthcare

How will data from remote diagnosis change healthcare?

José Bastos, Director at knok, explores how data from remote diagnosis will alter healthcare and discusses how knok will play its part in this digital transformation journey.
diabetes management, diabetes technology

Upskilling knowledge and training of diabetes management

A new medical education programme for diabetes healthcare providers in the UK is focusing on upskilling the knowledge and training of diabetes management technologies & devices.
salt reduction

“Salt reduction saves lives” – So why is it being pushed aside?

Mhairi Brown, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Action on Salt, agues that thousands of people will suffer unnecessary strokes and heart attacks if ministers fail to take decisive measures in forcing the food industry to comply with salt reduction programmes.
Care home residents

Care home residents will be allowed one visitor from today

As part of the government's roadmap to ease lockdown restrictions, care home residents will be allowed one indoor visitor from the 8th of March.
NHS workers pay cut, NHS

UK Government to give NHS workers a pay cut in 2021

Despite the Government giving the NHS a 1% pay rise, an expected rise in inflation over 2021 means this move will translate as a pay cut for healthcare workers.
hospital-acquired infections

Recurring hospital-acquired infections: Focus now on COVID-19 – The LumiBio Solution

Andrew Metcalfe, Biotech Specialist at LumiBio discusses the persistent problem of hospital-acquired infections, and why now is the time to focus on reducing COVID- 19 transmission in clinical settings using the LumiBio solution.
COVID vaccines for mutations, mutation

COVID vaccines for mutations will be given faster approval in the UK

Medical regulators will fast-track COVID vaccines for mutations, similar to how seasonal flu shots are developed and released.
digital care platforms

The impact of digital care platforms on healthcare professionals and patients

Dr Simon Bourne, founder and CEO of my mhealth and former COPD lead at Southampton University, examines the digital goals outlined in the NHS long-term plan and the impact of digital patient care platforms on healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients.
immune system response

Study explores COVID vaccine response in patients with impaired immune systems

A new UK study will examine the immune systems response to COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with immunosuppressed conditions
swollen lymph nodes, COVID vaccination

Are swollen lymph nodes normal after getting the COVID vaccine?

According to radiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), swollen lymph nodes after COVID vaccination are a "normal reaction that typically goes away with time".
vaccinate palestinians, vaccine

Israel will now vaccinate Palestinians who have permits to work 

Israel faced international criticism on their refusal to vaccine Palestinians - now, the country will begin rolling out Pfizer shots to some Palestinians who have work permits.
brazilian covid mutation, covid

The Brazilian COVID mutation has been found in the UK

The UK has found six confirmed cases of the Brazilian COVID mutation yesterday (28 February) - but an individual who tested positive three weeks ago is still being traced throughout the country.
living with obesity, cardiovascular

45% of people living with obesity have healthy blood pressure

Scientists have discovered that up to 45% of people living with obesity have healthy blood pressure, glucose and lipid levels - protecting them from the risk of cardiovascular disease.
COVID impact in south asians, minority ethnic

UK Government report finds “alarming” COVID impact in South Asians

The first wave saw minority ethnicities hit harder than white people, but in the second wave things are improving - with the exception of an "alarming" COVID impact in South Asians, specifically Bangladeshis and Pakistanis.
severe covid cases in israel, covid

The Pfizer vaccine is stopping 92% of severe COVID cases in Israel

Israel is currently leading the world in COVID vaccination, with real-world data to suggest that the Pfizer vaccine is working to stop 92% of severe COVID cases.

COVID-19 and diabetes telehealth

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, explains how the COVID-19 pandemic is the scenario for testing and demonstrating the successful implementation of diabetes telehealth platforms.
biological air treatment, renewable

Sterilair PRO – Biological air treatment

Used in medical settings for over 20 years, Sterilair is now being used in a wide range of close-contact environments to maintain healthy air quality.
elective care

How technology can transform the elective care challenge

Karina Malhotra, founder and MD, Acumentice, explores how technology is being used to solve the elective care conundrum and to what extent emerging tech can make a credible difference on the front line.

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