Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

priority group for COVID, people with asthma

People with asthma are not a priority group for COVID vaccination

The UK removed people with moderate forms of asthma from the high-priority group for vaccination, which pushes their vaccination date past April.
national strategy for social care, covid-19

A national strategy for social care could save the NHS £1 billion every year

Research found that the supported housing and integrated mental health system could save the NHS £950 million if used as a national strategy for social care.
COVID hospitalisation and death, pfizer vaccine

Pfizer vaccine can reduce COVID hospitalisation and death by 75%

Early stage data from the vaccine rollout in the UK appears to show that COVID hospitalisation and death are reduced by over 75% in people with the Pfizer vaccine.
infection prevention and control (IPC)

COVID-19 update: Vaccinations & infection prevention and control (IPC)

Ruth Smith CEO of Active Care Group and its Christchurch Group division discusses the new highly virulent variant of COVID, vaccinations, and infection prevention and control (IPC).
people with HIV, covid

People with HIV can now get COVID-19 vaccine without disclosing status

People living with HIV can now get a COVID vaccine without having to tell the doctor their status - right now, the stigma is holding some back from coming forward to get their vaccination.
COVAX facility

EU allocates additional €500 million to COVAX facility

The European Union has allocated an additional €500 million to the COVAX facility, bringing its total contribution to €1 billion.
end the HIV epidemic, opioids

Science needs to overcome “structural racism” to end the HIV epidemic

A new report published in The Lancet investigates why 43% of HIV deaths in 2018 happened in the Black community, with policy solutions for the ongoing HIV epidemic.
sinovac covid vaccine, coronavac

Hong Kong approves the Sinovac COVID vaccine for use

The Sinovac COVID vaccine was revealed to be working at 50.4% efficacy by the Butantan Institute last month, but new data suggests that this could actually be 62%.
long COVID

New research studies to tackle Long COVID in the community

Four new research studies looking into Long COVID in the community will receive funding worth £18.5 million from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
the south african mutation, pfizer

Pfizer vaccine can still prevent death from the South African mutation

The Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine appears to be significantly less efficient against the South African mutation, but can still stop hosts from experiencing severe COVID and dying from the virus.
COVID cases in hospitals, lockdown

REACT study: COVID cases in hospitals “higher than at the peak of the first...

New data from the REACT study finds that the number of COVID cases in hospitals is higher than it was in April 2020, but that infection rates are substantially decreasing across the country.
coronavirus human challenge study

UK receives ethics approval for first coronavirus human challenge study

The UK has received approval from the clinical trials ethics body for the world's first coronavirus human challenge study.

European Commission approves second Moderna contract for 300m vaccines

The European Commission has approved a second contract with Moderna to secure an additional 300 million vaccine doses.
marmot review 2020, health inequalities

Marmot Review 2020: “Regressive” cuts hit most deprived areas

We have the essentials of the Marmot Review 2020 for you, including recommended policy measures to tackle health inequalities.
Johnson & Johnson, european

The Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine works with just one dose

The New Jersey-based drugmaker created a COVID-19 vaccine that works at 66% efficiency in one dose, which they have sent to the EU for approval.
NHS tech

COVID-19: Surge in the use of NHS tech in 2020

Ben Davison, NHS Digital’s Executive Director for Product Development, explains how the coronavirus pandemic prompts a surge in the number of people using NHS tech in 2020.
COVID-19 transmission risk

Can pubs effectively prevent COVID-19 transmission risk?

A new study has questioned whether pub operators can effectively and consistently prevent COVID-19 transmission risk.
technology-enabled care services

How TECS have supported the NHS pre, during and post-COVID

Zillah Moore, Director at Tunstall Healthcare, discusses the role of technology-enabled care services and remote patient monitoring in reducing delayed discharge from hospitals and providing much-needed assistance to the NHS.
heart failure drug

Heart failure drug may treat COVID-19 long-hauler symptom

Researchers have found that an existing heart failure drug can improve the symptoms associated with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

Covax will protect millions of Pakistanis against COVID-19

The global vaccine facility Covax will help Pakistan’s vaccination programme protect millions of Pakistanis against COVID-19.

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