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Could you have an iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency in the UK is generally accepted as a health problem from the past, but recent research suggests this may not be the...

NHS offers COVID-19 vaccine to all people 40 and over

The NHS is now inviting everyone aged 40 and over to book in for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Black patients are more likely than white patients to die after heart surgery

A new study has found that Black patients are more likely to die after their heart bypass surgery than white patients in the same hospitals.

Simon Bolton appointed interim CEO of NHS Digital

NHS Digital has announced that Simon Bolton has been appointed as its interim CEO.

Researchers say missing second COVID dose could “prolong pandemic”

The study found that missing a second COVID dose could "prolong" the pandemic, with more than 5 million people in the US not taking their scheduled dose.

More than 25% of children have not received childhood vaccinations

According to new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, more than a quarter of American children had not received common childhood vaccinations in 2018.

Turning the national illness service into the national health service

Robin Stern, Chair at Future Perfect (Healthcare), discusses how patient journeys currently reflect a national 'illness' service, not a national health service.

UK Government purchases 60 million Pfizer booster vaccines

The UK Government has purchased a further 60 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to help support the booster vaccination programme.

What are the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine?

Here, we assess some of the most common side effects of the Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Single COVID-19 vaccine dose reduces household transmission by 49%

New Public Health England (PHE) study finds that one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine reduces household transmission by up to 49%.

How patients can overcome needle phobia and get the COVID vaccine

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores what can be done to help patients who refuse the COVID-19 vaccination due to needle phobia.

What are the side effects of the Moderna vaccine?

Here we list some of the most common and uncommon side effects of the Moderna vaccine and discuss the latest trials on pediatric participants.

One in four people get Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine side effects

New data from the UK's vaccination programme suggests that one in four people get Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine side effects - with most peaking in the first 24 hours, then gone in two days.

NHS: How can we build back better?

Paul Styler, Director of Infrastructure Solutions, ETL, explores the challenges facing NHS Trust to support the build back better agenda.

2% of asymptomatic pediatric dental patients test positive for COVID-19

A new study by a University of Illinois Chicago pediatric dentist has found that 2% of asymptomatic pediatric dental patients test positive for COVID-19.

COVID oxygen use increases risk of hospital fires

In India and Iraq, patients recently died in hospital fires caused by oxygen explosions - an increased amount of oxygen is needed to treat COVID-19.

High Omega-3 index reduces premature death

New research shows that people with a high Omega-3 Index are 13% less likely to die prematurely compared to those with low levels.


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