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Could you have an iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency in the UK is generally accepted as a health problem from the past, but recent research suggests this may not be the...

The impact of digital care platforms on healthcare professionals and patients

Dr Simon Bourne, founder and CEO of my mhealth and former COPD lead at Southampton University, examines the digital goals outlined in the NHS long-term plan and the impact of digital patient care platforms on healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients.

Study explores COVID vaccine response in patients with impaired immune systems

A new UK study will examine the immune systems response to COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with immunosuppressed conditions

Are swollen lymph nodes normal after getting the COVID vaccine?

According to radiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), swollen lymph nodes after COVID vaccination are a "normal reaction that typically goes away with time".

Israel will now vaccinate Palestinians who have permits to work 

Israel faced international criticism on their refusal to vaccine Palestinians - now, the country will begin rolling out Pfizer shots to some Palestinians who have work permits.

The Brazilian COVID mutation has been found in the UK

The UK has found six confirmed cases of the Brazilian COVID mutation yesterday (28 February) - but an individual who tested positive three weeks ago is still being traced throughout the country.

45% of people living with obesity have healthy blood pressure

Scientists have discovered that up to 45% of people living with obesity have healthy blood pressure, glucose and lipid levels - protecting them from the risk of cardiovascular disease.

UK Government report finds “alarming” COVID impact in South Asians

The first wave saw minority ethnicities hit harder than white people, but in the second wave things are improving - with the exception of an "alarming" COVID impact in South Asians, specifically Bangladeshis and Pakistanis.

The Pfizer vaccine is stopping 92% of severe COVID cases in Israel

Israel is currently leading the world in COVID vaccination, with real-world data to suggest that the Pfizer vaccine is working to stop 92% of severe COVID cases.

COVID-19 and diabetes telehealth

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, explains how the COVID-19 pandemic is the scenario for testing and demonstrating the successful implementation of diabetes telehealth platforms.

Sterilair PRO – Biological air treatment

Used in medical settings for over 20 years, Sterilair is now being used in a wide range of close-contact environments to maintain healthy air quality.

How technology can transform the elective care challenge

Karina Malhotra, founder and MD, Acumentice, explores how technology is being used to solve the elective care conundrum and to what extent emerging tech can make a credible difference on the front line.

People with asthma are not a priority group for COVID vaccination

The UK removed people with moderate forms of asthma from the high-priority group for vaccination, which pushes their vaccination date past April.

A national strategy for social care could save the NHS £1 billion every year

Research found that the supported housing and integrated mental health system could save the NHS £950 million if used as a national strategy for social care.

Pfizer vaccine can reduce COVID hospitalisation and death by 75%

Early stage data from the vaccine rollout in the UK appears to show that COVID hospitalisation and death are reduced by over 75% in people with the Pfizer vaccine.

COVID-19 update: Vaccinations & infection prevention and control (IPC)

Ruth Smith CEO of Active Care Group and its Christchurch Group division discusses the new highly virulent variant of COVID, vaccinations, and infection prevention and control (IPC).

People with HIV can now get COVID-19 vaccine without disclosing status

People living with HIV can now get a COVID vaccine without having to tell the doctor their status - right now, the stigma is holding some back from coming forward to get their vaccination.


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