Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

public sector connectivity

New NHS cash injection needed to improve patient care, says NHS Confederation

Experts respond to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement for a £1.8 million NHS cash injection, highlighting the desperate need for funding to improve patient care.
tuberculosis (TB) mortality, Mortality from TB

Male and female mortality from TB in rural and urban Victorian settings

Alice Reid and Richard Smith, University of Cambridge explore the links between tuberculosis (TB) mortality, occupations, rural and urban residence and migration in late Victorian Scotland.
NHS frontline services, capital funding

PM Johnson announces £1.8 billion for NHS frontline services

Today (5 August) PM Johnson announces £1.8 billion for NHS frontline services: But where will it go, what will it do and where did it come from?
emotional support

Improved emotional support needed for people with diabetes

A Diabetes UK survey of more than 2,000 adults with diabetes from across the UK found that 15% have needed specialist emotional support to help them cope with the demands of living with the condition within the last year.
infection prevention

Infection prevention: Overcoming challenges in sepsis diagnosis

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group discusses the concerns with overcoming challenges in sepsis diagnosis.
living with diabetes

Patients feel overwhelmed by the demand of living with diabetes

New research from Diabetes UK has found that seven out of ten people feel overwhelmed by the demands of living with diabetes, which significantly affects their mental and physical health.
surviving brexit, mindfulness

The mindful guide to surviving Brexit

Meditation teacher Neil Seligman highlights eight attitudinals of mindfulness in this guide to surviving Brexit blues.
how cancer spread, canine cancer

Scientists identify sea as how cancer spread 6,000 years ago

Researchers found out how cancer spread around the world, between sea-faring dogs around 6,000 years ago in Asia.
Cannabinoids for therapeutic

Cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes – where are we?

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group shares a perspective on the present status and potential evolution when it comes to cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes.
lower blood cholesterol, saturated fats

Report confirms less saturated fat will lower blood cholesterol

A report published by Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition on the role of saturated fats and health concludes there's no need to change current advice to help lower blood cholesterol.

Delivering patient-centric delivery models

Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO of Content Guru, highlights how Commissioners are shifting from organisational-focused to patient-centric, outcome-driven models to deliver digitally-connected health.
universal credit and mental health, mental health problems

Universal Credit and mental health: “It was a confusion”

In this article, Carolyn Lochhead discusses research that reveals how Universal credit has a significant impact on mental health.
difference in the nhs, NHSX

NHSX: What is needed to make a real difference in the NHS?

The newly launched NHSX could bring much-needed stability but it will only make a difference in the NHS by facilitating further best practice sharing and deploying flexible, fit-for-purpose systems, says Dr Ian Jackson.
global tobacco epidemic, WHO

WHO launches new report on the global tobacco epidemic

Whilst there is being made in the fight against tobacco, increased action is necessary to help people with the global tobacco epidemic, says the World Health Organisation (WHO).
mental health of millennials

Social pressure is damaging the mental health of millennials

As Dispatches reveals 68% of 16 to 30-year-olds are currently experiencing a mental health problem, Smart TMS dissects the mental health of millennials in this report.
young peoples’ mental health

Using digital to help young peoples’ mental health

Eleanor Bradley, Chief Operating Officer at Nominet, discusses the growing crisis of young peoples' mental health problems and how using digital can help.
Women and HIV awareness, International women's Day, Activist Philip Baldwin

International Women’s Day: Women and HIV awareness

In this article, HIV activist Philip Baldwin illuminates issues surrounding women and HIV for International Women's Day 2019.
global elimination, hepatitis C

NHS promises to lead global elimination of hepatitis C

The NHS will find and cure tens of thousands more people with hepatitis C as part of a ground-breaking deal that could help England become the first country in the world to eliminate the deadly virus and lead a global elimination.
worsening health inequalities, north south health divide

Researchers to investigate worsening health inequalities in the UK

Researchers from the University of York will work with other experts to tackle worsening health inequalities between the North and the rest of England.
transforming healthcare

AI must start transforming healthcare today

Terry Walby, founder and CEO of Thoughtonomy, looks at how AI is transforming healthcare, exploring examples of how different organisations have been using automation.

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