Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

work-related stress

Health and social workers are most likely to suffer from work-related stress

Health and social workers tend to work longer hours and report more cases of work-related stress, depression and anxiety, according to an analysis by The Office Group (TOG).
learning disability sector, social care sector

Tech and care: New deal to transform learning disability sector?

A new report was launched in Parliament this month setting out the case for a deal for the learning disability sector, focusing on realising the potential of technology to boost investment and transform the way care is delivered.
short appointment times

Doctors admit short appointment times are putting patients at risk

One in three GP’s admit they have failed to properly diagnose patients because short appointment times have meant symptoms have been missed, according to new research.
patient care, business transformation

Managing change around patient care

Eman Al-Hillawi and Sue Johnson Gregory analyse the NHS, exploring how the industry can balance business transformation with the priority of patient care.
lead a healthy lifestyle

Doctors claim millennials don’t know how to lead a healthy lifestyle

Almost seven in 10 GPs and pharmacists believe millennials have no idea how to lead a healthy lifestyle or treat minor ailments such as colds and headaches.
ahead of UK heatwave

British Red Cross issues health and safety advice ahead of UK heatwave

The British Red Cross is asking us all to keep an eye on anyone who may be vulnerable ahead of UK heatwave as temperatures are predicted to soar.
social care crisis, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, NHS Confederation

PM Boris Johnson must solve social care crisis says NHS Confederation

New Prime Minister Boris Johnson must solve social care crisis, boost capital spending and reform NHS pensions, says NHS Confederation.
health-data programme

New health-data programme to detect diseases early

Diseases could be detected even before people experience symptoms, thanks to a pioneering new health-data programme as part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy.
pharmacy consultations

Same-day pharmacy consultations offered to patients

Patients with minor health issues will be offered same-day pharmacy consultations under a new deal announced by the Health and Social Care Secretary.
NHS digital revolution, digital triaging

Playing catch-up: An update on the NHS digital revolution

Here, Andrew Gardner discusses what is really going on under the surface of the NHS digital revolution and what further needs to happen.
clean water in iraq, water crisis

Where is the clean water in Iraq?

Authorities have failed to ensure for almost 30 years that Basra residents have sufficient clean water in Iraq, resulting in on-going health concerns, Human Rights Watch said in a report.
homeless community

New approach to engaging rough sleeping and homeless community

Public Health England South West coordinated a multi-intervention day with local healthcare providers, charities and services to provide TB screening for the rough sleeping and homeless community.
child with cerebral palsy

Smart Cells release 21st Stem Cell Samples to treat a child with Cerebral Palsy

The latest release of Stem Cell Samples from Smart Cells was used to treat a child with Cerebral Palsy at Duke University Hospital, in the United States.
care facilities, CCTV camera

Are CCTV cameras in care facilities welcome?

Helen Dempster, Chief Visionary Officer, Karantis360 explains the importance of not only safeguarding but proactively improving care within private spaces, both at home and within care facilities.
children’s mental health

New joint local services inspections to focus on children’s mental health

Ofsted have published guidance for inspectors for new series of joint inspections focusing on children’s mental health.
Extra Care Housing

Extra Care Housing: Providing care and support for independent living

HousingLin, Mears and the LGC recently discussed a report looking at the benefits of the extra care model - Extra Care Housing is housing designed to provide the varying levels of care and support people may need in later life whilst also allowing for independent living.
clinical champions, Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK appoints twenty new Clinical Champions

Diabetes UK has appointed twenty healthcare professionals, including consultants, nurses, GPs, dietitians, podiatrists, pharmacists and psychologists as its newest cohort of Clinical Champions.
cancer research in japan

Cancer research in Japan: Basic, clinical and translational

Here, we examine the role of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) when it comes to the field of cancer research in Japan, including basic, clinical and translational.
mental health issues, uk schools

What can schools do to spot and avert mental health issues?

Schools across the UK are dealing with a mental health epidemic, with both primary and secondary school leaders reporting a rise in stress, anxiety and panic attacks in their pupils as well as depression, self-harm and eating disorders.
early death

Patients with an ‘empathic’ GP at reduced risk of early death

Patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes are at a lower risk of early death if they have a doctor who they describe as showing empathy towards them, a new study from the University of Cambridge has found.

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