Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

world-class medical care, Lithuania

Lithuania: A hotspot for cost effective and world-class medical care

UK patients are looking to European destinations such as Lithuania, where world-class medical care can be carried out quicker, privately, and at a much lower cost.
living with mental illness, rough sleepers

£1.9 million for rough sleepers living with mental illness

Adults who are sleeping rough and living with mental illness or substance misuse will benefit from £1.9 million funding to improve their access to vital healthcare.
Maternal Mental Health, Postnatal depression

Maternal Mental Health: Treatments for Postnatal depression

Dr Leigh Neal highlights the treatments available for Postnatal depression following Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month.
beat stress

How to beat stress and keep the mind healthy

British Safety Council launches wellbeing videos with exercises and advice to help workers beat stress and maintain good mental health.
risk of exploitation, programme to protect children

UK programme to protect children at risk of exploitation

National programme will provide specialist support and boost protection for children most at risk of criminal or sexual exploitation.
suicidal thoughts

Female Firefighters at risk of PTSD and suicidal thoughts

Female firefighters are at a high risk of developing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and experiencing suicidal thoughts, compared to male firefighters, according to a new study.
improve social care

How can bots improve social care?

Helen Dempster, Chief Visionary Officer at Karantis360, discusses how human and bot working successfully together could improve social care.
undiagnosed and untreated, Undiagnosed Britain, mental health

Britain: A nation of undiagnosed and untreated mental health conditions

Smart TMS provides commentary on how the discussion around mental health needs to improve as many illnesses go undiagnosed and untreated.
digital future, NHS, paperless

The race to paperless: How the NHS is moving towards a digital future

Jonathan Elliott, Director and General Manager, Public Sector at Xerox comments on how the NHS is moving towards a digital future and eliminating paper.
Accelerated Access Collaborative

Government announces improvements to the Accelerated Access Collaborative

Department of Health and Social Care announces improvements to the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) that will put the most promising medicines, diagnostic tools and digital services through clinical development and regulatory processes faster.
outdoor workspaces

Outdoor workspaces can have a positive impact on your health

Lloyd Coldrick, Managing Director of Cobus discusses why outdoor workspaces aren't just aesthetically pleasing but affect you mentally and physically too.
public's respiratory health

London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone is essential to the public’s respiratory health

As London’s new Ultra Low Emissions Zones (ULEZ) came into effect this month, a new animation highlights the effects that air pollution has on the public's respiratory health.
adult vaccinations

Technology opens new opportunities to increase adult vaccinations

Technology could play a major role in overcoming some of the barriers to the uptake of adult vaccinations argues a new report, “Data, bots and drones”, published by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC).
treatment for psychosis, cbd oil

CBD could be “new class of treatment” for psychosis

King's College London researchers found that cannabidiol (CBD) could hold promise as a treatment for psychosis, according to reasonable benefits seen in a clinical trial.
eating disorder treatment, NHS treatment

What is the reality of eating disorder treatment?

Dr. Lynne Green speaks to Nishat from Open Access Government about NHS eating disorder treatment, what to do if someone is suffering, and how social media has changed the landscape.
commute to work, mental health, stress levels, jobs and homes

Is your commute to work harming your mental health?

Three-quarters of young brits say their commute to work increases their stress levels yet nearly three in five would commute longer for better jobs and homes.
respiratory protection

Why is respiratory protection so important?

Paul Riddick, Co-Founder and Technical Director at Vodex explores how contaminates being produced on a daily basis in the workplace can damage your health and could even prove fatal.
job coaches, mental health, NHS

NHS rolls out mental health job coaches

NHS England has announced a major expansion of a scheme designed to provide tens of thousands of mental health patients with job coaches to help find employment.
accelerate malaria elimination

$4.3 million donated to accelerate malaria elimination

Tableau, Mapbox, Exasol, and Alteryx commit $4.3 million to accelerate malaria elimination efforts for more than 60 million people.
ward equivalent treatment

Mental health in Germany: A focus on ward-equivalent treatment

Laura Kirschbacher, Corporate Communications Manager at Pfalzklinikum AdöR talks about ward-equivalent treatment (WeT), a special kind of hometreatment, where a multi-professional team visits the patients at home: She accompanied WeT social worker Linda Seez to find out more.

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