Health & Social Care

Within, Open Access Government’s Health and Social Care news section, we offer a variety of diverse material. With a focus on the most noteworthy stories in the sector from around the world.

Providing information on the most popular and interesting topics such as the NHS digital transformation and its ongoing developments along with the latest research on diabetes, rare diseases and potential cures. This section also offers articles on the funding to healthcare services and has a strong focus on mental health issues/research and much more.

This category also offers information on how environmental changes are affecting peoples health today along with how the LGBT community deals with health stigma surrounding it.

Muscle wasting conditions

Muscle wasting conditions: Transforming lives through research

Catherine Woodhead, CEO, Muscular Dystrophy UK explains how lives are being transformed through research when it comes to muscle wasting conditions.
living with Alzheimer's, Federal Affairs Alzheimer's association

Bold action by Congress delivers victory to millions living with Alzheimer’s

Rachel Conant, Senior Director, Federal Affairs, Alzheimer’s Association explains how bold action by the U.S. Congress delivers victory to the millions of people living with Alzheimer's.
mental health research, transforming mental health

The time is now for mental health research

Research Director at MQ: Transforming Mental Health, Dr Sophie Dix argues that now is the time is now for mental health research.
biggest challenge in farming, mind your head 2019

Is depression the biggest challenge in farming?

Living well is the key to farming well- depression is emerging as one of the biggest yet unspoken challenges in farming in the modern day.

Diabetes and low blood sugar: Taking a more precise approach to managing hypos

James Cotterell, Director at BBI Healthcare, argues that prescribing products that treat low blood sugar with a precise and measured dose of glucose can improve patient outcomes, reduce patient anxiety and save the NHS money
children's screen time

The changing landscape of children’s screen time

Ahead of England’s Health Secretary meeting the bosses at Instagram over the handling of self-harm and suicide content, a new report into children’s screen time use has been released today.
prioritise mental health

Employers need to prioritise mental health in the workplace

John Williams, Instant Offices, encourages employers to support their teams to speak about and prioritise mental health and promote a healthy work-life balance.
healthcare in Hong Kong

Healthcare in Hong Kong: A focus on elderly health services

The priorities of healthcare in Hong Kong are explored here, with a special focus on the delivery of elderly health services in the country.
a mentally healthy school, child mental health

The key components of a mentally healthy school

We have health and safety policies for children’s bodies in our schools – so why don’t we have health and safety policies for children’s minds and brains too?
mental health crisis, mental health budget

Mental health crisis: taking care of carers

The NHS in England’s mental health budget for 2017/2018 was almost £12 billion – roughly 10% of the Department of Health budget- and the mental health crisis in the UK affects individuals of every age and gender.
future of healthcare

Mastering data is ‘almost everything’ in the future of healthcare

The outlook for our National Health Service has never looked brighter. Although the challenge has always been immense, with the right leadership, technology can be harnessed to change the future of healthcare services.
be trauma informed, child trauma symptoms,

Child diagnosis: The need to be trauma informed

Whilst autism spectrum disorder has neurological evidence, it is often misdiagnosed in children with Traumatic experiences: read on to be trauma informed.
mental health trials

Mental health trials launch in UK schools

Up to 370 schools across the UK will join one of the largest mental health trials to boost evidence about what works to support mental health and wellbeing.
cancer and dementia, admiral nurse

The challenges of living with a diagnosis of Cancer and Dementia

For this year’s World Cancer Day, we spoke to Admiral Nurse, Debby Veigas, around the challenges that caring for someone with dementia and cancer brings.
desk dining

Improving employee wellbeing by reducing the desk dining phenomenon

Office desks seem to have become our dining tables, with fewer than half of British workers leaving their desks for lunch. One of the main reasons for this is because employees think they can’t afford to waste time grabbing lunch.
critical care nursing

Critical care nursing: Leveraging technology and innovation to improve care delivery

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group offers her thoughts on the challenges around critical care nursing, focussing on leveraging technology and innovation to improve the delivery of care.
health concerns

Men admit health concerns would need to be ‘severe’ before they sought help

A poll of adults aged 18-40 found 64% of men often bury their heads in the sand until they really have to seek help for any health concerns.
signs and symptoms of cancer

Parents call for teachers to teach children about the signs and symptoms of cancer

Two-thirds of parents think teachers should teach school children about the signs and symptoms of cancer, it has emerged
antimicrobial resistance action plan

UK launches 5-year antimicrobial resistance action plan

Government has published 5-year national action plan and a 20-year vision for how the UK will contribute to containing and controlling antimicrobial resistance.
Nightingale Health

Nightingale Health to receive €20 million EU-financing

Nightingale Health, Finnish innovator of an internationally recognized blood analysis technology for chronic disease prevention, will receive €20 million.

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