A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
People with ADHD are likely to adopt hoarding behaviours and mental addictions to items – potentially leading to a serious impact on their quality of life.
Transgender people face a lot of discrimination, hostility, and tension in their everyday lives, especially in rural areas in the US - leading to strategies of transgender resilience.
An increase in “deaths of despair” – suicide and overdose – across the US has been linked to robot manufacturing which is gradually replacing people in their jobs.
Philip Mullen, Managing Director, UK and Europe at LifeWorks, looks at what we can learn from the conversations of elite athletes and how it can be translated into workplace wellbeing.
The virus is described as respiratory, but recovered COVID patients can experience significant cognitive problems - such as brain fog, confusion or forgetfulness.
A new study confirms that willingness to take risks, impatience, and self-centred behaviour, are main characteristics in those who are likely to commit crimes.
Having just one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduced multiple psychological distress factors, improving the well-being and safety of recipients.
A report by the NHS Race and Health Observatory finds "clear inequalities" in how ethnic minorities are less likely to be given Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
People living in urban areas have better access to mental health care, as well as lower costs, than those living in rural areas – generating a crisis of geographical location.
Middle to older aged adults can improve their brain function with daily physical activity, with researchers finding a direct correlation between these variables.
A new framework by researchers can help identify and diagnose alcohol use disorder based on symptoms, so patients can be given personalised treatment options.