Pietro Vittorio Barbieri, a member of the EESC, and the rapporteur for the EESC opinion on mental health community services, emphasises the necessity for increased resources and enhanced coordination at the European level.
According to data on light pollution, LGBT safety and living costs, Helsinki is the least stressful city in the world - with 0% of the population living in poverty.
Researching DNA outside of our genes, analysing the ‘dark genome’, scientists have found evolved proteins which can distinguish between schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, improving diagnosis and treatment.
Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Advisor, Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO African Region speaks about mental health and why it is so important today
Dr Lakshmi Mahadevan describes a multi-level intervention program that is helping to offset the negative impacts of lack of access and social isolation by providing a pathway to reducing stigma, prevention, timely intervention and recovery from mental health challenges that was hitherto unavailable to rural Texans.
To try find better solutions to mental health problems across the U.S., researchers looked at drugs to combat mental illness in mice, with results already transpiring from just one dose.
To help meet the increased demand from the pandemic, the government has funded £5 million to services to prevent suicide, including charities, NHS and social care staff, and high-risk groups.