A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
To try find better solutions to mental health problems across the U.S., researchers looked at drugs to combat mental illness in mice, with results already transpiring from just one dose.
To help meet the increased demand from the pandemic, the government has funded £5 million to services to prevent suicide, including charities, NHS and social care staff, and high-risk groups.
Wesley Baker, CEO of ANCON Medical, highlights the importance of Movember in raising awareness for male cancer, with particular focus on prostate cancer, and mental health illness.
Hanna Silva, clinical psychologist and therapeutic programme manager at Flow Neuroscience, explores the hidden struggle of depression for men and why they don’t get the treatment they need.
The University of Oxford found that teenagers with depression "mute" upsetting information, while depressed adults do not have the same coping mechanism.